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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Parents May Be Held Liable for Students’ Social Media Activity

Academic Leadership // January 6, 2015

A Georgia appellate court has ruled that parents may be held liable for what their children post on social media accounts. During the year-long debacle, a school became involved—but by following the school’s policies, the principal kept her school’s community out of the lawsuit, mentioned only as a byline.

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Ask ISM's Health Care Reform Specialist

Business and Operations // January 6, 2015

Q: I heard that the deadline to pay for a policy purchased on the exchange was December 15. With the holidays, I missed my first payment, so what can I do now?

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Private Schools Participate in “Hour of Coding”

Academic Leadership // January 6, 2015

Only one in 10 schools teaches students how to code—at least, according to, a nonprofit dedicated to expanding computer science’s prominence in the classroom until it’s as fundamental a subject as math or reading. In celebration of Computer Science Education Week, introduced the basics of JavaScript, a common programming language, to millions of students around the world with their “Hour of Code” tutorials for “ages 4 to 104”—and private schools got in on the action.

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3 Resolutions for the New Year

Business and Operations // January 6, 2015

January 1st has come and gone, but it’s never too late to turn over a new leaf! We’ve developed this list of resolutions for you to commit to over the coming year.

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Winter Storm Survival Checklist

Business and Operations // December 19, 2014

The holiday season is also the start of nasty winter weather warnings. Fifty percent of the country has already seen its first taste of snow, ice, and flooding, and predictions are calling for another active season. Here are some tips and guidelines for preparing your school for the months ahead.

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Operation Keep Your School Safe—Stereotyping School Shooters

Business and Operations // December 19, 2014

Just as we posted an article claiming gun violence was on a decline, another school shooting rattled news media and saddened viewers' hearts around the nation. On October 24, 2014, Jaylen Fryberg sent text messages to friends (including two cousins who were also students) inviting them to join him for lunch in the Marysville–Pilchunck High School cafeteria in Washington State. Sitting together, Fryberg opened fire on his friends with a .40-caliber Beretta handgun that belonged to a family member before turning the gun on himself.

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Ask ISM's Risk Manager

Business and Operations // December 19, 2014

Q: We’re preparing an updated Risk Management plan for 2015. Our committee has really done some great work thus far, seemingly engaged with the task. However, they’ve reached a tricky segment defining and revising the Vendor section. They reached out to me for insight as I’m the Business Manager and can at least provide them with a list of different vendors we have relationships with. But, I’m curious, what should be in a contract when using vendors? What should I be looking for when they propose it for approval?

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Comprehensive Interviewing: In-Person Interviews

School Heads // December 18, 2014

Every employer wants to hire the best candidate for an open position, but private-independent schools must be even more discriminating than just aiming for the best. After all, hiring for mission-appropriateness requires more careful scrutiny of a person’s character and bearing than simply checking off requirements from a resume. So the in-person interview is an essential part of every hiring process. But, if the importance of this interview has you working yourself into a tizzy trying to craft the best interview question or considering how your body posture could intimidate candidates, take a deep breath. In a previous article, we gave you some advice on handling phone interviews. This month, we’ve compiled some quick in-person interviewing tips to make your interviews successful and as stress-free as possible.

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Re-recruiting Experienced Trustees

Board of Trustees // December 16, 2014

The Board has completed the Board’s profile, identifying the skills and experience needed to bring the next stage of the school’s strategic plan to fruition. Now it’s time to determine who can best fill those roles.

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