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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Stories to Inspire: Three Creative Teacher Induction Strategies

Academic Leadership // June 24, 2014

Last month, we talked to School Heads about the importance of adopting a year-long induction process for new teachers. Let’s allow that momentum to carry us onward and take a look at what other private-independent schools have done to inspire next year’s meetings and induction programs.

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Prescription Drug Abuse Is (Still) a Problem in Private Schools

School Heads // June 20, 2014

Two years ago, we published an article on prescription drug abuse in private schools. We reported that medicine prescribed to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) was being misused by high-performing students—not to get high, but rather to focus on schoolwork and manage their heavy workloads. Now it’s 2014, and prescription drugs are still reported as a major problem for our best and brightest students.

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Exercise Your Mind This Summer

Business and Operations // June 20, 2014

Research has long proved that, during the summer, kids’ minds don’t retain much of what has been packed in there during the school year. Typically, the first few weeks of the new school year are spent catching up. But it’s not just students who need a refresher after a long break in their routine.

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Bee-Safe Campus

Business and Operations // June 20, 2014

If your school is involved in green living practices or a community gardening program, perhaps you’ve been following the headlines concerning the decline of our beloved and relied upon honey bee. If the honey bee continues to disappear, the future of our food may be in jeopardy—or at least, the future of our fruits and veggies naturally being pollinated may be in jeopardy.

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Summer Reading for School Heads: Recommended Books and Webinars

School Heads // June 20, 2014

A School Head’s job is never done—even if students and teachers have abandoned their classrooms to frolic in the summer sun. Still, there’s surely some time to revitalize old strategies and develop new ones! So kick back, relax, and read one of these books we’ve collected specifically for School Heads. And—once you’re done—download one of our prerecorded Webinars for some professional development in the comfort of your office.

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Ask ISM’s Risk Management Expert

Business and Operations // June 20, 2014

Q: What are the benefits of having an Employee Handbook? Of course, our school has one; however, it’s one of those things I think all organizations have but no one ever reads. I’ve been tasked with reviewing and potentially updating ours this summer, and am looking for some motivation.

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Centralize Your Board's Key Documents

Board of Trustees // June 18, 2014

After your Board has its summer retreat and you begin preparations for the next school year, streamline and enhance your Board’s functionality by compiling selected strategic documents. Store them in a specific container (e.g., a large binder or a hanging-file storage box) that is easily accessible for reference by Trustees as needed for committee work or during regular sessions. Of course, many of the documents can be stored and distributed digitally.

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Profiling Your Board for Wealth

Board of Trustees // June 18, 2014

Schools dream about attracting Board members with deep pockets. “If we could just get a few rich Trustees, our problems would be solved!” In reality, the way you structure your Board membership must be designed to support your school’s mission, as expressed through the strategic financial plan. That means creating a “Board profile”—a list of the resources and expertise you need to meet those strategic goals.

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Seven Video Thank-Yous From Private School Development Offices

Advancement // June 12, 2014

Saying thank you is one of the simplest ways to show your appreciation when a donor gives to your school—and one of the best ways to encourage repeated generosity. Most schools opt to do so in a letter, note, or phone call. This year, why not buck tradition and make a thank-you video? To get you started, we’ve collected some of the best private-independent school video thank-yous from around the web. Ranging from technically masterful and scripted to the spontaneous and genuine, all epitomize the sincere and heartfelt appreciation your own end-of-year thanks should embody.

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Summer Reading for the Development Office: Recommended Books and Webinars

Advancement // June 12, 2014

With your end of the year push to reach your funding goals and the mountains of thank-you notes waiting to be signed, sealed, and delivered, a chance to escape from the stress might feel impossible. Still, there’s no reason you can’t steal away from the hectic office on occasion with a good book—especially when it’ll help you improve your school’s development efforts. We’ve coupled each book with a webinar from our e-Learning archive, so when you make it back to your desk, you can spend an hour or two learning something new.

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