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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Registering A Food Allergic Child

Advancement // April 2, 2012

A parent registering their food allergic child has a ton of worries. They fear for their child’s safety, they fear about him/her having an episode of anaphylaxis as result of an accidental contact, and they fear how the school’s faculty and staff will react in the event of an allergic reaction. There is nothing more frightening than the fear of their child’s life being threatened. As Admission Director, you have a responsibility to assure these parents of their child’s safety—and have policies in place to enforce your word.

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Understanding the Differences Between HSAs, HRAs, and FSAs

Private School News // April 2, 2012

Medical acronyms are confusing for those of us who aren’t involved with insurance procedures, claims, and policies on a daily basis. They can even be confusing for some of us who are involved regularly! Stress no more! Here's the skinny on what is what to better enable you to chose a product that works best for your school's mission—or, to help you chose what plan you should invest in for you and your family.

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From the Private School Blogosphere

Private School News // April 2, 2012

Blogs, forums, chat rooms, listservs—the choices go on and on. These can be valuable resources for finding alternative opinions and information about almost anything. From general private school news to just needing a quick laugh to fuel the rest of your day, blogs can remind you that you're not alone in the all-too often chaotic world of private-independent education.

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ISM’s New Faculty Evaluation Template

Private School News // April 2, 2012

During the past two years, ISM has engaged in an intensive effort to forecast the needs of schools in the rapidly evolving 21st Century environment. One of the outcomes of this effort was the recent publication of a new template for faculty evaluation, which we are pleased to publish in excerpted form this month.

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Bullying the Food Allergic Student

Private School News // April 2, 2012

Bullying takes on many forms. Cyberbullying, playground bullying, and yes, even food bullying are all common forms that schools need to be aware of and in control of. Although all forms are risky, perhaps the most life threatening among them is food allergen bullying because of the reactions that can be triggered even from smelling certain trigger foods.

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From the HR Blogosphere

Business and Operations // March 27, 2012

Blogs, forums, chat rooms, listservs—the list goes on and on. These can be valuable resources for finding alternative opinions and information about almost anything. From HR concerns to just needing a quick laugh to fuel the rest of your day, blogs can remind you that you're not alone in the all-too often chaotic world of private-independent education.

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Green Corner

Business and Operations // March 27, 2012

It’s time to start thinking about your outdoor space again. Whether you’re a home gardener or volunteer time in your school’s garden, organic gardening tips can really help boost your patch’s volume. Here are a few tips for maintaining organic beds.

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Ask Michael

Business and Operations // March 27, 2012

Q: We’re preparing for our upcoming recertification visit and are trying to tidy up our personnel files. What documents should and shouldn’t be in our personnel files?

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Planning for Retirement

Business and Operations // March 27, 2012

If lack of familiarity with financial plans or fear of becoming involved are among the reasons you avoid retirement planning, this article will give you some encouragement to help your employees and yourself plan for the future.

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Can Evaluation Really Drive Faculty (and Student) Performance?

Business and Operations // March 27, 2012

ISM recently published a new teacher evaluation model for private-independent schools. In that same vein, today’s lead article summarizes the key elements of teacher evaluation from ISM’s view. In many schools (and most other organizations, as well), performance evaluations are considered a waste of time or a meaningless bureaucratic exercise. What if evaluations could be used to actually increase performance—to help average teachers become excellent, and excellent teachers become even more outstanding? This can be achieved if the right things are being evaluated—and if the evaluation is communicated to the teacher in a way that helps them grow and develop.

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