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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Ask Michael

Business and Operations // December 10, 2009

Q: A staff member just came to see me about what she called a "sexual harassment incident." I feel so badly that she was subjected to this—and I want to confront the person who did this to her (i.e., a faculty member). How should I handle this?

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Simplifying Your Financial Aid Process

Business and Operations // December 10, 2009

It is no secret that financial aid applications have been at an all-time high this year. Even some parents who don't necessarily need financial aid have been applying. There's nothing to lose in trying, right? They're right—there's not. But it does create more paperwork and a need for more manpower in your Business and Admission offices. If you're finding the extra applications and requests for financial aid are starting to take a toll on your nerves (and everyone else in your office), first take a deep breath, and then look into some of the software programs available on the market—especially if you're using software now that's causing your headaches. (Dealing with stress? Click here for tips on stress management.)

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How Is Your Hard Work Recognized?

Advancement // December 10, 2009

In a recent survey from OfficeArrow, 388 administrative professionals shared how they prefer to receive positive feedback at work. Ask yourself where you fit into these results.

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Ask Michael

Business and Operations // December 10, 2009

Q: Can an EAP help us reduce sick time?

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The Swine Flu Chatter Is Finally Calming Down

Business and Operations // December 10, 2009

All the chatter about the swine flu has died down. New cases are continuing to pop up here and there, but for the most part, everything the public needed to know has been communicated.

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Inside the Teenage Mind

Advancement // December 10, 2009

(This article is based on a piece originally appearing in Delaware Online. You can read the original article here.) Thirteen seems to be that magical age when a parent's sweet little angel, and a teacher's quiet star, morphs into a little person they no longer recognize. They suddenly have no interest in family, pour all their attention into their friends and socializing, and seem to forget the concept of danger.

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More Employers Consider Financial Literacy Programs

School Heads // December 10, 2009

The following information is provided courtesy of The Society of Human Resource Management. A recent survey indicates that the number of employers offering financial education and literacy programs to their employees is expected to increase.

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The Swine Flu Is Predicted to Return This Fall

Business and Operations // December 10, 2009

Last month we wrote an article claiming that the swine flu hype was finally calming down. Here in the states, the chatter has all but ceased. But now specialists are claiming that the fall might revive the swine flu—and that it might come back with a vengeance, being stronger and more far-reaching than it was this spring.

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How to Make Your School Newsletter Interactive

Advancement // December 10, 2009

Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn—if you're not a member of at least one of these online communities, what are you waiting for? Social networking is the place to be! Join a "group," become a "fan," or support a "cause"—and have others join your school's group, or become a fan of your page. If your school has a monthly newsletter, these sites make great platforms to offer additional information to your reader. They also allow your readers to interact with your materials, which is what most readers are looking for—especially if your newsletter is delivered by e-mail.

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Long Term Disability Policies (Part One)

School Heads // December 10, 2009

A group long term disability coverage policy is a powerful ally in your efforts to attract and keep the best faculty and staff. LTD is an essential component of your benefits package for two reasons—it protects employees' income, and it protects the school's fiscal health.

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