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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Three Dimensions of Meaningful Professional Development

School Heads // September 10, 2018

The beginning of the school year adds many duties and tasks to your to-do list—welcoming students and families back to campus, hosting Back to School Night and other events, ramping up classes, and much more. This is also when the School Head begins planning the year’s professional development for faculty and administrators. Quality professional development that’s carefully planned and focused can directly correlate to higher levels of student engagement, satisfaction, and performance.

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How to Spur a Successful Survey Initiative

School Heads // September 10, 2018

You make important decisions every day in your school. From deciding what actions will support the strategic plan to creating a quality experience for students, families, and employees, you want to truly understand what your constituencies want before implementing any new initiatives.

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Student Visa Denials: How You Can Help

Private School News // August 24, 2018

Summer 2018 saw student visa denials—nonimmigrant F-1, M-1 and J-1— like never before. Scores of schools and international students reported this phenomenon and it will likely impact 2018–19 overall enrollment numbers.

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Remembering ISM’s Founder, Rod Snelling

Private School News // August 21, 2018

Rod Snelling made a difference in the world through his devotion to private-independent school education. His leadership at Independent School Management will be sorely missed. He pioneered innovative concepts that led to the founding of our company, the first analysis firm in the United States dealing exclusively with private-independent schools. Since ISM’s inception, thousands of administrators and schools in North America and abroad have benefited from his theory, research, and analysis.

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These Three Differentiators No Longer Set Your School Apart

Private School News // July 25, 2018

Parents want the best possible education for their children. As they shop different schools and programs, they will often ask, “What makes your school different?” Many school administrators will respond with their school’s mission as well as its ability to prepare students for college, its dedication to academic rigor, and its focus on small class size and student-to-teacher ratio.

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How Students Feel About Online Privacy

Private School News // July 25, 2018

According to the Pew Research Center, 95% of teens report they have access to or own a smartphone. In fact, this ownership is “nearly universal among teens of different genders, races, ethnicities, and socioeconomic backgrounds.” Additionally, 45% say they’re online on a near-constant basis. With so much of their lives spent online, it might be easy to assume that teens share every aspect of their days with the world without a care for privacy. But a new research study finds this isn’t necessarily so.

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Yoga Shown to Help Students Better Manage Stress and Anxiety

Private School News // July 25, 2018

Surveys show that students and educators are increasingly more stressed. According to researchers, 61% of educators say their work is “always” or “often” stressful, and students deal with constant and evolving pressure to maintain perfect grades, be involved in various activities, and come of age in an online world. However, new research illustrates that school-based yoga can help combat some of the stress and anxiety that students and educators face today.

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Three Things to Know to Start a Successful School Store

Private School News // June 27, 2018

Starting or managing your school store can be a large undertaking. What items should you sell? How do you price them? Should you run a physical location or offer items exclusively online? How do you market your inventory? Will people actually buy? Which office should manage the store? You’re not alone. Many private-independent school administrators have questions when it comes to running a successful school store.

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Raising Independent Children

Private School News // June 27, 2018

Many students are not empowered to be independent thinkers—and this impacts both their personal lives and their educational careers. Although schools’ mission statements include that they generate generations of independent thinkers, students often don’t learn or apply these skills away from campus. New research shows that overprotecting children can impact confidence, decision-making skills, and overall mental health.

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