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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

The Six Signs of a Toxic Teacher

Academic Leadership // December 13, 2017

You work closely with your faculty and staff every day within your school. You trust their judgement in the classroom, their desire to further your mission, and their dedication to helping your students succeed. But sometimes a teacher in your school doesn’t quite fit the mold. Their actions aren’t always in line with the school's mission or the needs of the students. They negatively influence the faculty culture, spreading gossip in the teacher’s lounge or complaining during meetings.

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Student Incentives: Do They Belong in Your School?

Academic Leadership // December 13, 2017

If you eat dinner, you get dessert. If you do your chores, you get an allowance. If you have perfect attendance for a full school year or get a certain grade on a test, you get a gift card? Student incentives like the last example are becoming more commonplace in schools around the world. From small incentives (like stickers or school supplies) to behavioral incentives (such as pizza parties or free time) and even financial rewards, any incentive program within your school must make sense for your culture and your mission.

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Three Common Mistakes to Avoid in the Annual Fund Appeal Letter

Advancement // December 12, 2017

Your school’s appeal letter is a core element of your annual fund campaign. It presents your mission to your donors and prospects, inviting them to make a gift to your school to further your cause and benefit your students. Your letter tells them why their gift makes a difference and assures them that their gift will be used as intended. It’s critical that the letter captures the reader’s attention and leaves a lasting positive impression.

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Small Tweaks That Can Make a Big Impact on Your Website

Advancement // December 12, 2017

Your website is among the first places a prospective family visits when researching your school. The website—and especially the home page—are your first chance to make your first impression. It should immediately communicate your mission, your vision for your students, and your place in the community.

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What You Should Know Before Setting Your School's Financial Aid Policy

Business and Operations // December 5, 2017

We find that many schools have questions when it comes to their financial aid policies. They aren’t sure if they award financial aid in the most effective way, and want to ensure their policies follow the correct guidelines, are fair and consistent for students and their families, and support their school’s mission.

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Four Basic Safety Drills for Your School

Business and Operations // December 5, 2017

Safety is a top concern for families who choose to send their children to private-independent schools. That is why it’s imperative for your school’s crisis plan to be up-to-date, thorough, and top-of-mind, especially for the Business Office. Protect the safety of your students and your community by practicing precise drills often. We recommend including the following four drills in every crisis plan, as well as any others that make sense for your school.

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Creating a Focused and Condensed School Mission Statement

School Heads // December 4, 2017

Your mission statement must describe the scope and guidance your school needs to define its purpose in a directive, clear, and distinguishing manner. Chances are that your school has already created a mission statement. But if it fails to distinguish your program from others in the marketplace, consider reevaluation.

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Five Ways the School Head Can Work Effectively With the Board

School Heads // December 4, 2017

Your role as School Head is to lead by example, inspire enthusiasm among faculty and staff, and ultimately enrich the student experience. The job requires patience, hard work, and dedication. It also requires thoughtful planning to create and maintain a positive relationship with Board members.

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The Holidays Are Coming—Are You Offering Holiday Care?

Private School News // November 29, 2017

Families and parents today are busier than ever. As the hustle and bustle of the holidays arrive and families add more to their plates, offering holiday childcare can be an added value to current students and a differentiator for prospective families.

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Empower Your Teachers to Improve Student Outcomes

Private School News // November 29, 2017

“There is no system in the world or any school in the country that is better than its teachers. Teachers are the lifeblood of the success of schools.” –Sir Ken Robinson. This quote from Sir Ken Robinson, New York Times bestselling author, TED speaker, and education advisor, has found continued support with the results of a new study.

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