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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Exit Interviews: When Families Decide to Leave

Advancement // May 8, 2014

We love to talk about the things we love. It could be family and friends, the latest and greatest TV show or book, or a beloved vacation spot. Most of us tend to leave out the negative things, preferring to dwell on the positive. In general, that’s a great way to live and work. But, as an Admission Director, you know that ignoring the less-than-fantastic elements of your program will (eventually) lead to people departing from the school in droves, no matter how excellent the positive aspects are. So, be proactive! Before your school sees a massive exodus, find out why your withdrawing families are going elsewhere. This doesn’t have to be an awkward, unplanned conversation—a simple survey process can provide the answers you need and solid information you can act on.

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Perpetual Enrollment: Is It Right for Your School?

Advancement // May 8, 2014

As this year’s recruitment cycle winds down and you begin to make final decisions on applicants for next year’s class, it’s time to consider what your Admission Office did well this cycle and how it can improve for the next. One of the areas of concern for schools—turning to listservs and forums for insight—is re-enrollment. One way private-independent schools bypass this headache is to implement “perpetual” or “continuous” enrollment. In such an arrangement, the student is automatically re-enrolled for the next semester if the student has maintained sufficient standing to warrant the invitation to return (e.g., satisfactory behavior and academic performance) and the student’s account is paid in full. Is this a universal solution for every private school? Considering that every school is unique, maybe not—but it’s certainly worth examining further.

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Why Go Private?

Private School News // May 2, 2014

When choosing education options for their children, parents weigh many different considerations before making final decisions. ISM research shows that safety, academic rigor, and "value-added" educational opportunities to be top priorities for parents when they "go private." Still, numbers only tell you half of the story. Here are some parents describing their families' experiences in the private-independent school universe, and why they decided to "go private."

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Professional Development: Just Ask!

Private School News // May 2, 2014

ISM believes that quality professional development for faculty and staff directly correlates to higher levels of student engagement, satisfaction, and performance. With summer coming and students freed from the classrooms, it’s a great time to enhance performances. But, not all private-independent schools place professional development high on their priority lists. You may need to ask directly for continuing educational opportunities. How do you, then, request for professional development from your administrators?

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The New SAT Exam: What You Need to Know

Private School News // May 2, 2014

The SAT exam's distributor, the College Board, has (yet again) announced sweeping changes to the exam. Its president, David Coleman, fresh from his work on the new Common Core academic standards, said in March that the SAT has “become disconnected from the work of our high schools” and will change to better reflect the realities and demands of 21st Century education. So, what will the test look like in 2016?

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National Alcohol Awareness Month

Business and Operations // April 29, 2014

April is National Alcohol Awareness Month, and although the month is nearly behind us for 2014, there’s still reason to spread awareness of how alcohol abuse affects not just the addict, but those close to the addict as well.

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Updates Concerning The Employer Shared Responsibility Penalties

Business and Operations // April 24, 2014

“Oh, Health Care Reform, how we love your ever-changing ways,” said no one ever. The laws regarding the Affordable Care Act (ACA) have been evolving since its inception. Laws, policies, and deadlines continue to change as wrinkles are ironed out and organizations—federal, private, and corporate alike—struggle to meet deadlines. It’s certainly not created an easy avenue for brokers and Business Managers trying to keep current and compliant. But, we’re reminded that nothing is ever created without hiccups along the way. Perfection takes time.

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Ask ISM's Health Care Reform Specialist

Business and Operations // April 24, 2014

Q: How will the government know that we offer our employees health insurance coverage so we’re not not assessed a penalty should they go to the exchange?

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