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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Holiday Parties: Risks and Pitfalls

Private School News // December 28, 2009

You may have already had your holiday party, or perhaps this year's celebration was cancelled because of the trying economy. However, the following article is a nice resource to keep handy for all future office gatherings.

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Board Members and PR Practitioners Speak Two Different Languages

Private School News // December 28, 2009

(Ideas in this article were inspired by an article published by MarketingProfs.) We're in a time when CEOs, Board Members, and executives are looking for everything they can trim from the bottom line. And when it comes to marketing efforts, especially PR efforts, these are among the first and last to be examined. PR professionals struggle with how to express their successes in a way that executives can recognize as positive influences for the school's future. In private schools, the role of PR can fall upon different positions: Admission Directors, Development Officers, or perhaps an outside agency. Regardless of where the responsibility lies, there is still a disconnect between those making budget decisions and those developing marketing materials.

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New Mileage Rates for 2010 Announced

Private School News // December 28, 2009

Business Managers, we know you've been waiting all year for this! (We're kidding.) The IRS has announced the new mileage rates for 2010, and starting January 1, 2010, they will take effect for cars, vans, and trucks used for business.

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New Federal Study Shows an Increase in U.S. Autism Cases

Private School News // December 28, 2009

(This article is based on a recent publication by Education News.) A new federal study released last week revealed that one in 110 8-year-old U.S. children are diagnosed with autism. This study was conducted from a 2006 sample consisting of 307,790 children.

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Prizes for Philanthropic Efforts Are on the Rise

Advancement // December 11, 2009

The nonprofit world is seeing an upturn in the use of prizes and cash awards for philanthropic efforts, which in turn is helping spark innovative approaches to solving social problems. Prizes for philanthropic-minded efforts are increasing not only in number, but also in the size of the cash awards; they're also being applied to a broader range of issues than in the past.

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In This Recession Lies a Golden Opportunity

Advancement // December 11, 2009

There is an awful lot of gloom and doom out there. Your annual fund may not be on target. Others are seeing decreasing participation or decreasing dollars. Others are seeing decreasing participation, but increasing dollars. One thing is certain—the economy is playing havoc with your campaigns. The prospect of a capital campaign seems like a potential disaster.

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Cultivation Now Reaps Rewards Later

Advancement // December 11, 2009

We know your numbers—the amount you need to raise—are weighing heavily on your mind. But one thing is certain—the economy will rebound. This is a great time to get to know, cultivate, and steward your donors like never before. Why? When the rebound happens, you won't be caught flat-footed. Your donors and prospects will be primed to give as soon as they are ready and able. You need to be involving those donors and prospects in the life of your school now.

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Bonding With New Parents

Advancement // December 11, 2009

New parents are just like new students to your school. They need a warm welcome, an introduction to other parents, and an education on what it really means to be part of an independent school community. They've written their first tuition check, and in a heartbeat, they will be receiving an annual fund solicitation.

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10 Resolutions for a Great School Year

Academic Leadership // December 11, 2009

The Apple, a Web site "Where Teachers Meet and Learn," is an ongoing source of information, communication, and inspiration for teachers. Among the resources at are news, lessons, videos, as well as "Ask a Teacher" and "In the Workplace" forums. Recently, the site posted these 10 ways for teachers to boost their job satisfaction and effectiveness in the classroom.

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