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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

The Benefits of a Parent Ambassador Program

Advancement // March 10, 2019

Word of mouth can be one of the biggest enrollment drivers at your school. Happy parents tell their friends about how much their child enjoys your school and soon, that family starts to consider your program as well. Your school can capitalize on this vital recruitment opportunity by establishing a parent ambassador program.

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What to Consider When Implementing a Video Surveillance System

Business and Operations // March 8, 2019

As you look for more ways to protect your school, consider implementing a video surveillance system to help monitor your campus. As with all new facility systems, the Business Office should create a policy to help dictate acceptable use. Here are a few items we’d suggest you consider as you implement a video surveillance system and create an accompanying policy.

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Employment Practices: How Private-Independent Schools Can Mitigate Risk

Business and Operations // March 7, 2019

You must take appropriate precautions to ensure your school’s employment practices don’t expose your school to undue risk. Employment practices are a broad category, encompassing interviewing, hiring, onboarding, professional development, and in some cases, termination. Your school must have the right plans and procedures in place to treat employees fairly and, if an employee feels treated unfairly, avoid unintended legal action.

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Four Ways to Help Your Leadership Team Succeed

School Heads // March 5, 2019

The success of your school rests on strong leadership. Each member of the Leadership Team should feel resolute in their ability to support the teachers and staff members that report to them, resolve issues, and carry out the mission with excellence.

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How to Flourish as a New School Head

School Heads // March 4, 2019

A new School Head brings excitement to a school’s campus. When you have the opportunity to take on a new Headship, you are presented with the chance to build rapport with your community, infuse new energy into the school’s initiatives, and offer fresh ideas and strategies for accomplishing the school’s goals. But there are a few things you should keep in mind to help manage a successful transition.

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Four Common Risks All Schools Should Avoid

Private School News // February 28, 2019

When it comes to risk management, it’s easy to immediately think of intruders, active shooters, sexual violence, and natural catastrophes. While this association is understandable, risk management is a broad term, encompassing numerous categories with potential hazards.

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Why You Should Support Your School’s Summer Program

Board of Trustees // February 26, 2019

A good deal of research has been done in recent years concerning summer learning and the value of summer programs. It’s clear that extending academic programs through the summer months provides many advantages for continuity in student achievement.

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The Five Key Responsibilities of the Board President

Board of Trustees // February 25, 2019

The President of a private-independent school Board might best be described as filling a service role. There is some power, to be sure, but it is unlike that wielded by presidents of other organizations or by Presidents or Board Chairs of companies. The power of the Board President is developed largely through influence, respect, and committee appointments.

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