Virtual & Onsite Consulting Services

Ensure that your school’s governance and operations support your mission.
We work together with your leaders, teachers, staff members, and students to understand your school’s unique needs, strengths, and challenges. We help you create a plan to help you meet your goals.
Your team can then put these mission-appropriate recommendations into action to achieve increased cash reserves, higher enrollment levels, and long-term stability. At the end of the day, we all have a singular purpose—advance school leadership to enrich the student experience.
We offer personalized consultations for many leadership divisions of a private school—the Board of Trustees, School Heads, the Business Office, the Development Office, Enrollment Management professionals, Marketing professionals, and Academic leaders. Select the area of school leadership you’d like to further explore.

ISM’s Consulting Services can be conducted virtually, ensuring you get the support you need, no matter the circumstances. Learn more by contacting our School Success team.
Our Consulting Services
School Head
Whether you want to ensure that all school functions run at peak efficiency or are considering implementing new strategies and initiatives, lean on a trusted source of knowledge to increase the likelihood of long-term success.
Business & Operations
Take advantage of a full range of planning, facilities, and operations consulting services that give your school a solid footing for the future. Examine where your key operations work well, and where they can use improvement.
Academic Leadership
Your programs set your school apart. Explore how to create and build programs that pull families in and give them an experience they couldn’t have at another private-independent school.
Admission & Enrollment Management
ISM’s data-informed approach pinpoints what attracts families to your school and inspires them to stay. Receive customized solutions based on your school’s unique marketplace stance, challenges, and opportunities.
Fundraising & Development
Learn how to develop successful strategies to engage and bring donors closer to your institution. No matter your school size, history, or pedagogy, explore how to plan, implement, and evaluate your fundraising strategies to realize your full potential.
Marketing Communications
Explore how to share exceptional stories of student learning, engagement, and outcomes, and illustrate how these can become differentiators that distinguish your school from your competitors.
Board of Trustees
The Board must focus its efforts on governing, planning, and financing your school's future, while leaving everyday decisions to competent administrators. To do that successfully, your Board must think, plan, and act strategically.
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One-on-One Coaching for New Heads
Work with an ISM Consultant in your first years of Headship to set you on a path to success.
•Data-Driven Diagnostics •
• Coaching •
• Customized Support •
Help Your School Thrive
ISM members receive access to exclusive, research-based strategies for every leadership division of your school. Take advantage of guidance, savings, and much more.
See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.
Everyone Can Learn From Millennials' Use of Share Sites
Business and Operations // September 8, 2010
As Internet trends fade in and out of popularity, some of us from older generations struggle to keep up. New icons pop up on our favorite sites every day—share this, send to a friend, retweet, post to Facebook. Although they’re in clear view, it can quickly become overwhelming trying to keep them all straight. And, besides keeping them all clearly organized in our minds, overwhelming is redefined when it comes to participating on all of the sites that matter in conjunction with maintaining our normal workloads. “What is Facebook? Iisn’t that for college kids? Flickr, what in the world does that mean? And this Digg icon, what is that all about?” Sound familiar? These are among the more popular social media sites, so chances are you might have insight to what they’re about. But, when it comes to reddit, meetup, or Slashdot, you might find yourself staring blankly at the screen wondering if this is something worth investigating, or just another trend.
Read More“Good Night …Sleep Tight … Don’t Let the Bedbugs Bite!”
School Heads // September 3, 2010
Most of us have heard and used that phrase. It’s an "old-age phrase" that actually stems from “back in the day” when bedding laid on top of a mesh of ropes, like a mattress frame. The mesh could be tightened to keep the bed from sagging. We don’t need to worry about our beds being tightened any longer, but as for bedbugs—they’re rearing their ugly heads across the nation and making headlines.
Read MoreSmall Talk and Tough Conversations—It's All Human (Resources)
School Heads // September 3, 2010
Human Resources. What does that really mean? For many, it means paychecks, benefits, and all those forms you need to fill out and sign when someone is hired. As a Head, what do you really need to know about HR? After all, doesn’t your Business Office handle all that? And, doesn’t “HR” really refer to a lot of “corporate” (or bureaucratic) stuff—things that don’t seem to apply to your school and its culture?
Read MoreTalking Summer Program…Wait, Isn’t Summer Over?
School Heads // September 3, 2010
You are just settling in to a new school year and we mention summer? “Are they crazy?” you think. Nope. A summer program is an excellent source of hard income that lets you extend your mission beyond the school year and to a greater number of students. It is a wonderful recruiting conduit as well, introducing your school to potential students, giving them a “taste” of what you offer. But now is the time to get ready for summer 2011, particularly if you are enhancing your program, or adding one. Running a successful summer program is really a year-round task.
Read MoreBack-to-School Checklist for Parents Includes Social Media Tips This Year
Private School News // August 25, 2010
For some, the new school year has already begun; for others, it’s right around the corner. Here are some tips you can share with parents about preparing for the new school year safely. Riding a bike to school. Make sure your child knows the traffic laws—it can save his/her life. Also, make sure your child wears the proper safety equipment. If he/she carries a heavy backpack, install a storage bin or rack on the bike to prevent injury.
Read MoreCommon Sunscreen Ingredient Can Speed Up Skin Cancer (Editorial)
Private School News // August 25, 2010
Every summer, some of the folks from the marketing department here at ISM are invited to attend a SI workshop. I was one of the lucky ones this year. As I sat down with classmates for the welcome dinner, we started our introductions by sharing where we are all from. I was surprised that so many were from California; however, there was a fairly balanced mix of regions, including a woman from Florida who quickly gained all of our attention. As we were sitting down with our first course, she shared with us that the Sunshine State isn’t always cheerful—she had had over 20 skin cancer spots removed over the years. Over the summer, each time I have worked in the garden, took a drive to the beach, or strolled around the little shopping district I live near, I have found myself thinking about her. This month, as I sat down to research and write my health-related article, again I found myself thinking about her. Is there ever enough information available to us to prevent such a cycle of fear and surgery?
Read MoreIs Your School Ready for the 1099 Revolution—If There Is One?
Private School News // August 25, 2010
Your Business Office might be like the many that are scrambling to understand what new steps they need to take on reporting on Form 1099—the hidden policy revision tucked into the new Healthcare bill. Hopefully, this article will shed light on what is expected of small businesses—which, also includes private-independent schools.
Read MoreCan Schools Help in America’s Fight Against Childhood Obesity?
Private School News // August 25, 2010
Last month, we published an article about how the nation’s goal of reducing the percentage of teen smokers had been missed. In that article , one of the experts mentioned that the new childhood obesity campaign spearheaded by Michelle Obama might have a role to play in the decreased donation numbers for the campaign against teen smokers. Whether that is true or not, the national efforts to attack the epidemic of childhood obesity is well underway. And for good reason. The national percentage of obese children is 17%. In Clark County, Nevada, it’s 22%—the nation’s highest percentage—which is why on June 1, 2010, Michelle Obama was in Las Vegas promoting her “Let’s Move Outside” campaign, a component of her “Let’s Move” campaign to increase physical activity.
Read MoreChildhood Health Briefs
Private School News // July 29, 2010
It’s no secret that Americans are getting heavier and heavier with each generation. Physicians point fingers at a number of reasons, but regardless of the reasons, there is a real need for concern. Our unhealthy habits are now affecting our children. Read below some of the latest findings. Heart disease markers in preschoolers—A study done by the University of North Carolina School of Medicine reported in March that obese kids as young as three could be more prone to heart attacks later in life. The study looked at more than 16,000 children and teens ages one to 17. It revealed that three- to five-year-olds above the 99th percentile in body mass index were more than twice as likely to have elevated levels of C-reactive protein—a marker of inflammation linked to heart disease risk in adults. Obese children have levels of fatty build-up in their neck arteries similar to middle-aged adults, which could lead to future heart attacks and/or strokes.
Read MoreHow to Fight Mosquito Bites
Private School News // July 29, 2010
Summertime is the perfect season to spend hours and hours outdoors. Many of us take advantage of the longer days by vacationing, visiting pools, hosting BBQs, and gardening. Our own backyards can easily become the family’s favored space during the summer. However, spending a good amount of time outdoors, especially in the evening hours, can be an invitation for mosquitoes.
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