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Community Corner

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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

The Key Responsibilities of the Search Committee

Board of Trustees // November 21, 2018

When your school begins the search for a new School Head, the Board should assemble a Search Committee to define and guide the search process, keep the search on task and on schedule, and move the search to closure.

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Three Leadership Missteps to Avoid

Academic Leadership // November 15, 2018

All leaders have their own individual styles, and there is no single way to lead well. Your leadership style must be a unique blend of your personality and abilities servicing your school culture, values, and mission. However, there are some mistakes that all private-independent school leaders should avoid.

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How to Create a Flourishing Faculty Culture

Academic Leadership // November 14, 2018

A healthy faculty culture is central to the success of a private school, regardless of its location, pedagogy, or leadership style. Teachers spend their days with your students, and a culture where teachers feel empowered and supported is inextricably tied to student and school performance.

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