Maximize Your Giving Day With Leadership Donors

Giving days are an essential tool in annual giving programs. Traditionally, this is a time when you encourage the entire community to participate by making transactional gifts.

But could you develop an annual giving strategy that focuses on leadership donors and culminates in a tremendously successful giving day?

In this webinar, ISM Consultant Phil Higginson, IAP-L, will discuss how to encourage leadership donors to make their pledges early in your campaign and leverage their gifts through your giving day.

Planning for Your Next Annual Giving Season Starts Now

Annual Giving is the foundational program from which all other development efforts grow and flourish. Creating a sequential, assignable, and measurable plan for your annual giving campaign is essential for success.

In this webinar, ISM Consultant Michael Christopher, IAP-L, will walk through the 15-month process of planning your annual giving campaign from beginning to end.

Starting a Major Gifts Program

Private-independent schools increasingly rely on the generosity of donors who give at high levels. A perusal of multimillion-dollar gifts to education in the Chronicle of Philanthropy reveals how donors and schools have partnered to create transformative opportunities for their students. Yet major gifts like these do not happen by accident. Rather, they are the result of months and years of hard work by a school’s Development Office, School Head, and Board of Trustees.

Fraught or Fruitful—The Complex Relationship Between Business and Development

School leaders, including CFOs and development officers, all want the same thing: to create long-term financial sustainability for their schools. Despite this common goal, business and development offices often work at cross purposes, resulting in missed opportunities and problematic staff relationships.

This webinar will explore the ways in which the business and development staff can pool their skills and resources to collaborate with the Board and School Head to maximize gift revenue for your school.

Implementing Your Strategic Plan—Tactics and Metrics

Creating a strategic plan can be an exciting and transformational moment for your Board and school. The process generates a vision for the future and outlines steps to ensure sustainability and enable the school to thrive.

No matter how carefully crafted, however, there's always a risk that a strategic plan will be put on a shelf and ignored while the day-to-day needs of the school take priority. This webinar will provide a roadmap for Boards and School Heads to design a practical, operational process for accomplishing the strategic plan’s goals.

Endowing Excellence Through Family Philanthropy

While a school’s primary funding sources are typically tuition revenue and annual giving, endowment income is more important than ever for delivering and enhancing a school’s mission. However, raising money for endowment can be difficult, especially when there are competing philanthropic demands.

In this webinar, Phil Higginson will discuss how establishing a family endowment program will allow your school to grow the endowment and create permanent relationships with your most important constituents.

Harness the Power of Parent Volunteers to Enhance Your Development Efforts

Parents are central to daily life in schools—from spreading positive word-of-mouth in your community, to donating to the Annual Fund, to volunteering throughout your campus. You rely on parents to lift up your school in many ways. It’s essential, therefore that when you create development parent programs, you also establish a culture of support and partnership in service of your school’s mission.

The Major Gift Toolbox: Donor Personas, the Donor Cycle, and the Giving Pyramid

To consistently build a productive major gift program, you, as Development Director, must learn to manage relationships with a broad spectrum of individuals who have varying attachments to your school. Development teams in private-independent schools are generally too small to have one or more individuals who are solely dedicated to identifying and creating engagement, solicitation, and stewardship plans for your major prospects. Consequently, it is important to use a set of tools that makes your work more manageable and: