Attract Families With Facebook

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Source Newsletter for Advancement Header Image


September 6, 2013

Families are your school’s strongest advocates for your education program. They play an important role in your social media strategy to promote viral marketing. According to Marketing to Moms Coalition’s "2012 State of the American Mom report," only 4% of moms and 7% of dads are willing to post offers from companies on their Facebook page. This means that “fan pages” struggle to gain shares from parents, which is the ultimate necessity for increasing positive brand awareness.

We know parents talk about school activities. Although reports show users are reluctant to share brand posts, you can still leverage their excitement to your benefit on social media. Enrolled families are inherently connected to prospective families on Facebook. Most parents on Facebook enjoy posting updates on family life. This includes pictures of their children’s sports games, posts about grades, and school activities.

Have you surveyed your enrolled families recently on their social media usage, or had your Community Manager analyze your school's social media traffic and shares? Although Facebook is 2012’s preferred social media for parents aged 25-55, trends show decreased use in moms’ aged 18-25. As age plays a large factor in your marketing plan, you’ll want to consider this recent study when planning your social editorial calendar.

Here are two ways to encourage Facebook interaction.

  1. Check-ins: Parents will share their thoughts on personal Facebook pages regarding your events through posts or photos. This tactic also serves as public relations that will resonate with prospective families.
    How to do this: At all school functions, remind parents they can check-in from Facebook’s mobile app. Reminders can be over the PA system and/or on a displayed banner.
  2. Student Pictures: Parents are proud of their children and love when others acknowledge their hard work. This tactic also encourages parents to become fans.
    How to do this: First, get written permission from parents to take pictures of students at school events for marketing purposes. (This should be part of your enrollment agreement.) Then, designate several faculty members as photographers. Finally, post pictures on the same day every week. It will be simple to motivate parents to share your professional pictures of their children.

All Facebook pages struggle daily to get noticed by their ideal audience––if your page’s analytics are minimal, don’t lose hope. Try these tactics and determine whether your page gains traffic. Your parents may find these call to actions effortless, therefore will stir excitement and pride.

Here are examples of schools with successful Facebook pages.

St. Mary’s Ryken
Peddie School
St. Joseph’s Prep

Still struggling with marketing? Sign up for our Webinar on October 23, 2013- Do They Know We’re Here? The Power of Viral Marketing

Additional ISM resources of interest
ISM Monthly Update for Development Directors Vol. 11 No. 8 Facebook: Likes vs Shares
ISM Monthly Update for Human Resources Vol. 11 No. 8 Social Media Policies: An Opportunity for Conversation
ISM Monthly Update Private School News Vol. 12 No. 5 Twitter Tips
ISM Monthly Update for Admission Officers Vol. 11 No. 7 Your Bad Social Media Habits

Additional ISM articles of interest for Consortium Gold members
I&P Vol. 33 No. 11 Target Your True Recruitment/Retention Issues
I&P Vol. 28 No. 7 Recognize the Marketing Opportunities of Parent Surveys


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