As a Board member, you are expected to carry out your due diligence roles. These essential responsibilities include the following.
- Attend all Board meetings.
- Serve on one Board committee (but no more than two) and attend all meetings.
- Come to meetings on time and prepared (having read all materials beforehand).
- Stay to the end of each meeting.
- Participate fully in all meetings.
- Welcome divergent viewpoints.
- Demonstrate the qualities of honesty combined with empathy, assertiveness combined with humility, and agreement balanced compromise.
- Attend school events as requested.
- Contribute to all development efforts of the school within your means and ability.
- Fully and without reservation support the school and the School Head in public.
- Completely respect the confidentiality of all Board meetings/deliberations.
If you cannot commit to these basic due diligence items, the Board may not be the place for you. The Board acts as an entity, not as a collection of individuals. Your attendance and participation, in particular, are vital to the success of the Board and its actions.