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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Five Key Reasons to Develop a Head Evaluation Process

Board of Trustees // February 25, 2015

When it comes to evaluating the School Head, many Boards simply avoid the process. Their rationale is, “Everything’s fine! Why take on another time-consuming, bureaucratic task?” In other schools, the Board President distributes an all-purpose leadership ratings form of some sort, tallies the results, and sets up a meeting with the Head to make a few suggestions. Neither tactic proves helpful for the School Head looking for direction and support. So, why go to all the trouble of setting up a true evaluation process—forming a Head Support and Evaluation Committee (HSEC), determining criteria and method, putting it into practice, and fine-tuning it yearly as ISM suggests? Here are five key reasons.

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You're Brilliant! You Will Get Through These Winter Doldrums

Business and Operations // February 25, 2015

Finding motivation midwinter can be a struggle. Less sunlight, post holiday cheer, and colder temperatures have been linked to seasonal depression (SADD), known to affect thousands of people each season. It’s a very real concern for organizations and individuals alike, as both struggle to keep motivation high and sanity balanced.

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When the School Head Leaves "Under a Cloud"

Board of Trustees // February 25, 2015

Sometimes a change in school leadership is the result of an abrupt rupture in the relationship between the Board and the School Head. In such a situation, the Board must act quickly to reassure all constituencies there will be a graceful transition.

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What’s On Your Printer?

Business and Operations // February 25, 2015

Data security risks are typically thought of as unsecure Web-based software, outdated servers, viruses, and poor password maintenance. Yet, data risks extend beyond your computer files and cloud storage. All the things you copy in the office—tax returns, medical records, financial information, student records, and more—could end up in someone else's hands. If your Data Security Plan (Risk Communication Plan) doesn’t incorporate printers and multifunctional devices, consider them for your next revision—or emergency amendment.

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Ask ISM's Risk Manager

Business and Operations // February 25, 2015

Q: We have had several instances of what can be considered unacceptable student behavior reported to us by parents. However, these events have taken place in the evening or over the weekend—outside of school hours. What are our rights, and duties, for monitoring student (and staff) behavior after hours?

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Schools Crack Down on E-Cigarettes

Private School News // February 24, 2015

Billed as a safe alternative to traditional cigarettes and tobacco products, electronic cigarettes or “e-cigarettes” have exploded in popularity with young adults and minors. One national survey from the University of Michigan shows that in 2014, 16.2% of 16-year-olds and 17.1% of 18-year-olds had smoked an e-cigarette in the last month. In contrast, only 7% and 14% of those respective groups had recently smoked a tobacco cigarette. But as a relatively new product—the e-cigarette was introduced to U.S. markets in 2007—and with the potential for misuse, public and private schools across the country have stepped up to prohibit use.

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School Spotlight: An English Teacher’s Odyssey

Private School News // February 24, 2015

In October 2014, we published an article about private school learning coach Alexis Wiggins, who wanted to experience a day in the lives of her students to see her school from a different perspective. This month, we’d like to introduce you to Beth Wilson, the English Department Chair at Darlington School in Rome, Georgia, and another intrepid explorer into the lives of her students. We met Beth on Twitter, after she responded to our post about Wiggins's experiences as a "student." As it turns out, she and 17 other teachers and administrators follow in Wiggins's footsteps to demonstrate Darlington School's mission of empowering students with a passion for learning through a personal dedication to education and renewed discovery

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New Research: Teachers Subconsciously Discourage Girls From STEM Studies

Private School News // February 24, 2015

Despite decades of campaigns to promote female engineers, computer scientists, and role models like Yahoo CEO Marissa Meyer or former Mozilla CEO Mitchell Baker, women are still underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) professions. A new study published by the National Bureau of Economic Research suggests that the tendency for women to avoid these careers may be due to unintentional teacher bias during their early school years.

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Legacy Donors: Local Janitor Leaves $8 Million to Hospital, Library—and No One Knew

Advancement // February 18, 2015

Everyone likes a rags-to-riches story, but one small community in Vermont was stunned to learn of the wealth Ronald Read, a gas station attendant and janitor, had amassed during his lifetime—and left to the local library and hospital. When he passed away last June, his attorney discovered stock certificates ultimately worth $8 million in Read’s safety deposit box, ready for dispersal between his kin and community. While the story is sensational, it serves as a reminder to cater to all the “Ronald Reads” in school communities. You never know where your next legacy gift is coming from, and it could be from someone as seemingly humble as the janitor whose nephew attends your school.

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Online Communications: Consistent or One Hit Wonders?

Advancement // February 18, 2015

Consistent communication with donors keeps them coming back to your school with the necessary funds to pay for improvements. But, as one non-profit fundraising expert discovered, organizations like your non-profit private school often lack follow-through with online donors—losing out on future donation opportunities.

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