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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Faculty Contracts

Business and Operations // March 18, 2010

Many schools are now preparing annual faculty contract renewals. We'd like to offer a "tip" on a critical contract provision—"what happens if we need to end the contract during the school year?" This is a provision that is missing from many faculty contracts, and one that could cost the school dearly.

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Health Care Reform Is Uncertain—But the Value of Annual Benefits Statements Is Well-Known

Business and Operations // March 18, 2010

The status of health care reform is still uncertain as we go to "press" with this e-letter, as is its potential impact on the employee benefits provided by private-independent schools. One thing is clear, though: It has never been more important for employees to be well-informed about—and value—the benefits that your school provides. One way of educating and reinforcing employees about their benefits is through an annual benefits statement.

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Ask Michael

Business and Operations // March 18, 2010

Q: We have an employee who is behaving very oddly. Can we "require" that they get counseling?

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Take Care in Year Seven: How to Stay Head of Your School as Long as You Want

School Heads // March 12, 2010

In this topsy-turvy economy, you may feel/notice signs of uneasiness from your Board. Your re-enrollment numbers may be up or down, as schools are reporting both, and you may be feeling the pressure. Although there are plenty of external factors, the Board may place responsibility for declining enrollment or lackluster fundraising squarely on your shoulders. Or, the Board has completely turned over during your tenure and it just may want to pick its own leader. Whatever the reason, the tenure for a Head can be too short! Here are 10 areas where you can self-evaluate, and improve to bolster your tenure.

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Your Role in the Development Process

School Heads // March 12, 2010

As School Head, you are one of the four key players—the quartet—in your school's Development efforts. While the Board President, the Development Committee Chair, and the Development Director are making the donations happen, you are the individual who leads the school and has the most credibility with the school's supporters. You are the person donors see as the primary steward of their gifts, and ultimately the "face" of the school. After all, your Development colleagues have reaped the gifts by connecting the school's mission and programs to donors' interests. You are the one putting gifts into action. Carry out your development responsibilities by taking these steps.

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Ask the Expert

School Heads // March 12, 2010

Q:What do I do about compensation this year? I froze salaries last year!

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Part Two: How Schools Should Adjust to Gen X Parents

Advancement // March 11, 2010

Last month, we defined the new generation of parents that have become the majority in schools—Gen X. We left off saying the first step to effectively communicate with Gen X parents is to know where they're coming from, and who they are. (You must know your market before you can be successful!) So, without further ado, here are some strategies that can help educators cope with Gen X parents.

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How to Balance Your Marketing: What's New and What Works

Advancement // March 11, 2010

With all the buzz focused around social media, it's easy to get caught up in trying to learn how to maximize free Web resources, and cast aside developing another snail-mail campaign. This is especially true for marketers. We love what's new and what's trendy, and easily become bored with what we've done time and time again—even if it has shown great results.

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Some Common Myths and Facts About People With Disabilities

Business and Operations // March 8, 2010

Myth: People with disabilities are brave and courageous. Fact: Adjusting to a disability requires adapting to a lifestyle, not bravery and courage. Myth: All persons who use wheelchairs are chronically ill or sickly. Fact: The association between wheelchair use and illness may have evolved through hospitals using wheelchairs to transport sick people. A person may use a wheelchair for a variety of reasons, some of which may have nothing to do with a lingering illness—for example, injuries.

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Back Pain? Join the Majority of Americans

Business and Operations // March 8, 2010

A recent article in Consumer Reports states that nearly 80% of American adults have been bothered by back pain at some point in their lives. And, certainly after the winter we've had with all the shoveling and icy balancing acts, many of us are feeling the season's strains in our backs.

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