Community Corner

Community Corner
Community Corner

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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

2019 Recommended Summer Reading for Academic Leaders

Academic Leadership // June 25, 2019

The summer months are a perfect time for self reflection, level setting, and creating new goals. We have a few summer reading picks that are perfect for academic leaders. Read on for our 2019 recommendations for summer reads and resources.

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2019 Recommended Summer Reading for Advancement Professionals

Advancement // June 15, 2019

Summer is here—which typically means a bit of a slower pace for enrollment management, fundraising, and marketing communications professionals as the hallways clear and families take vacations. It’s also a great time to pick up some summer reading. Here’s what our team recommends you grab for summer 2019.

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Guidelines for Maintaining Your Gift Documentation Records

Advancement // June 12, 2019

Managing your school’s records, especially gift documentation, is extremely important. If you’re not sure how to properly store and manage your records, we’re sharing our advice for ensuring these vital documents are kept and organized properly.

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Six Tips For Success If You’re New to the Business Office

Business and Operations // June 7, 2019

Whether you’re starting in a fresh position (in your current school or a new one) or have a member joining your team, we wanted to share some advice for new business managers. Take a moment to read through to start your school year off on the right foot.

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Create a Plan for Successful Teacher Induction

School Heads // June 4, 2019

Your new teacher induction program must be a systematic plan that encourages growth and supports success during each teacher’s first years within your school. It’s your role as School Head to ensure this type of program is considered a priority and executed accordingly.

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Offering Great Benefits: What Employees Today Want

Private School News // May 31, 2019

The first step in determining what benefits packages to offer is asking the question: What are you trying to achieve with your benefits? Creative benefits solutions can be developed for budgets of any size. Let’s take a look at what is trending among today’s working generations.

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