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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Health Care Reform and the Effect on Health Flexible Spending Accounts and Health Reimbursement Arrangements

Private School News // August 22, 2012

Section 125 Flexible Saving Plans are a great benefit to offer your faculty and staff with little impact on your budget. It’s almost like giving them a raise without having to adjust your financial plan. However, with the Health Care Reform Act underway, many of the attractive benefits of these plans has been lost. Changes have impacted how these funds can be used, and even how much an employee is allowed to save. Here’s a look at the changes the reform has already enforced and what’s to come in the future.

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How Do Teaching Techniques Impact Students?

Private School News // July 25, 2012

Technology in schools has been a hot topic for several years. Schools, public and private alike, have been altering their classrooms and teaching styles to incorporate online resources and apps that engage students. But, what is working and what is not?

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From the Private School Blogosphere

Private School News // July 24, 2012

This month we scoured Twitter for tweets about technology uses in the classroom. As expected, there was more than enough people talking about how to engage students through the social media, gaming, and various apps. Here are a few tweets we thought were worth sharing.

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Health Care Reform 2013-2014

Private School News // July 24, 2012

Since the Supreme Court has ruled that the Affordable Care Act is legal, health care changes are underway—or, rather, continuing on their way to full implementation. How will they impact your school? How will the changes affect your employees?

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Apps Making A Difference

Private School News // July 24, 2012

Schools use portable technology for more than just education these days. From Facilities Managers being able to create to-do lists on the spot, to taking pictures of receipts for record travel expenses, to filling out teacher evaluation forms while observing the classroom, technology is helping school administrators and faculty members work more efficiently. Here are a few apps we think are worth exploring.

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Leading by Teaching

Business and Operations // July 3, 2012

We’d like to share with you a story about our favorite local deli guy. Why a story about a deli guy in an e-letter about human resources practices in private independent schools? Because, in addition to making great sandwiches (“I’ll take a ‘Gerty’—corned beef and pastrami on rye with Russian dressing and a side of coleslaw—thanks!”), he’s also one of the most natural teachers and leaders that we’ve ever observed.

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Ask Michael

Business and Operations // July 3, 2012

Q: Sometimes we offer to extend a departing teacher or staff member’s benefits coverage to help them through a difficult period (such as if they need coverage until they find a new job). As long as we communicate clearly with them, is there any problem in doing so?

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From the HR Blogosphere

Business and Operations // July 3, 2012

As we wrap things up before heading out on summer vacation, we wanted to share with you some recent tweets and blogs covering a variety of HR and leadership topics. (e-Letters will resume in September.)

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Avoiding Hiring Mistakes

Business and Operations // July 3, 2012

They say that “to err is human.” Indeed. Even the most experienced administrators make hiring mistakes from time to time. Here’s a story that a longtime Head of School told us about a recent hiring error she made. We share the story here to help others avoid similar issues.

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