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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Sticky Ads: Off the Paper and Onto the Fridge

Advancement // May 22, 2012

For the last few years, sticky ads have been popping up … and standing out … on newspaper front pages. It's the best, most cost-effective way to get your message on the front page, in color, above the fold. Sanford School, DE, has been using this technique since 2009. The school has used sticky notes to get the word out about big open houses as well as its drop-in series. Last year’s spring open house brought in 19 prospects.

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How Two Schools Recognize Some Key Constituents

Advancement // May 14, 2012

One of the most important groups you should focus on building relationships with is grandparents. They love to support their grandchildren’s endeavors, including their schools—by paying tuition, volunteering, and providing financial support.

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How to Keep Track of Your Alumni BEFORE They Enroll

Advancement // May 14, 2012

As Development Director, you are constantly striving to establish and nurture relationships with your families. Your school wants their support whether it is through the annual fund, a capital campaign, or annual auction. But you also want to keep them a part of your school family after their children leave—much like colleges and universities do. A great way to do that is to learn as much as you can about the family as early as possible. And you can start with the admission process.

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Your Financial Reporting Comfort Zone

School Heads // May 8, 2012

As School Head, it’s a good bet that you are not an accountant. Yet, you need to have a handle on what financially is happening with your school. While you have a Business Manager (as most of you do) to handle financial operations, you are still responsible for accurately reporting information to the Board. How comfortable are you with those reports?

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Coaching the Coaches and Mentors

School Heads // May 8, 2012

ISM believes that the primary job of academic administrators (e.g., Division Heads and Department Chairs) is to coach and mentor faculty toward outstanding performance. The question that this begs is: Who is supposed to coach and mentor the coaches?

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Bully and Stand 4 Change

Academic Leadership // April 27, 2012

Bullying is nothing new to kids, but it has come into sharp focus, with stories of cyberbullying, text threats, and what seems to be the growing number of victim suicides. Schools and school districts are beginning to deal seriously with bullying, and are putting anti-bullying policies into place.

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Your Department Chairs as Coaches and Mentors

Academic Leadership // April 27, 2012

As Division Head, you have Department Heads reporting to you—and their duties could range from selecting text books and doing paperwork to hiring, coaching, and mentoring faculty members. Indeed, the potential responsibilities of a Department Head can range far and wide, and vary by school.

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Re-Designing Your Teacher Evaluation Process

Business and Operations // April 23, 2012

ISM recently published a new teacher evaluation model for private-independent schools. Today’s lead article describes how you can implement this type of an evaluation approach in your school.

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From the HR Blogosphere

Business and Operations // April 23, 2012

As the semester winds down, we know that your schedule ramps up—often without a moment to spare. Following from last month’s practice, we wanted to offer a selection of performance-related quotes and resources culled from recent Twitter and blog postings, to encourage and support you.

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Ask Michael

Business and Operations // April 23, 2012

Q: I keep reading news items about the “NLRB” and social media policies. Since we’re not unionized, does this affect us in any way?

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