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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

How to Master Parent Communication

Advancement // February 2, 2020

It’s up to the Marketing and Communications Department to set the tone for your school’s parent communication strategy. We recommend using these tactics to guide your efforts.

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How Private Schools Should Respond to the Coronavirus

Private School News // January 29, 2020

The coronavirus, a quick-spreading respiratory illness, has reached the United States. Many schools are wondering how to react now that additional cases have been confirmed in the U.S., including cases on college campuses. Schools with vibrant international student programs are looking for guidance.

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Scheduling Mistakes for Private Schools to Avoid

School Heads // December 18, 2019

Your schedule impacts everything. As School Head, you know the right schedule must reflect your school’s resources, philosophy, and mission, using a mix of available time, people, programs, and space.

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How to Have Difficult Conversations With Families About Financial Aid

Business and Operations // December 12, 2019

Financial aid can be a sensitive topic for families and schools alike.To add to the tension, there will inevitably be families that don’t receive the amount of aid they applied for. Some will accept this number and others will request a conversation with your financial aid decision-maker to hear your school’s reasoning for its award. When it comes to these conversations, keep these tips in mind.

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Millennial Parents and Private Schools: What Should We Know?

Private School News // November 26, 2019

The millennials are here. The millennial generation is typically defined as those between the ages of 25 and 37, meaning many school leaders are seeing millennial parents enter their ranks. What should private-school leaders know about the millennial generation of parents today?

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