Remove the Guesswork
The next 90 days are critical as schools prepare their campuses for reopening.
Sift through the uncertainty and the overload of available information. ISM and AUXS bring you medical and facilities experts to help you create a step-by-step reopening and repopulation plan for the next 90 days. This program gives you the tools and resources to make informed decisions to successfully protect your school community.

Optimize the structure and focus of your Reopening Task Force, make reopening decisions, and mitigate risk for your school.

Expert-Led Approaches
Learn from subject matter experts in the areas of health, safety, operations, logistics, safety and school management.

Flexibility & Focus
Navigate uncertainties and mitigate immediate challenges by using a phased approach for problem-solving.
What the program offers:
Instructional Presentations
Every Tuesday between June 16 and September 1, you’ll tune in for a 90-minute, topic-driven instructional presentation to help drive reopening decisions.
SEE THE LINEUPPandemic Briefings
On Thursdays, you’ll hear from leading medical experts. They’ll share the latest on the pandemic so you can make any needed adjustments.
Receive checklists, templates, and other documents to help your Reopening Task Force make critical reopening decisions.
BROWSE THE LISTAccess to Industry Leaders
Ask your questions and get feedback from leaders and peers, ensuring you’re able to lead your school with confidence and clarity amid today’s uncertainty.
MEET THE INDUSTRY EXPERTSComprehensive Training for Your Entire School
To successfully reopen and re-populate your campus, it is critical that your entire team works nimbly together. When your school purchases this program, all your leaders can participate in weekly instructional presentations, tune in for pandemic briefings, and receive actionable templates to help guide their decisions. You’ll also be able to access your exclusive ‘on-demand’ channel so you can revisit previously aired videos.

Stage 2
When it comes to planning for fall 2020, there are 3 phases: Plan, Refine, Launch. As we enter the Refine stage of the plan, we have lowered program pricing.
Optimize the Efforts of Your Reopening Task Force
Every school must create a Reopening Task Force to make decisions and handle operations related to reopening. The Reopening Task Force must develop a plan for reopening, implement that plan, and maintain and revise the plan as needed.
This program helps you:
- Identify who should be on your Reopening Task Force and their key responsibilities
- Create an executable project management approach to campus re-population
- Track your progress so you know what to do next
- Support and train your staff and faculty on new approaches to make your reopening efforts as streamlined as possible

➔ Creating a Reopening Task Force
➔ Health, Safety & Wellbeing
➔ Operations & Logistics
Be More Prepared, Even Through Uncertainty
This program helps leaders become more prepared in three specific focus areas: 1) Your Reopening Task Force, 2) Health, Safety & Wellbeing of your school community, and 3) Your School’s Operations & Logistics.
Here’s just a few ways our team of medical and facilities experts will help you become more prepared over the next 90 days:
- Learn how to implement screening and testing, personal protection, and protective measures
- Determine what supplies and equipment are actually needed
- Establish effective cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfection processes
- Learn how to create an efficient food service processes
- Create a mission-driven student experience, no matter how you deliver it

The work throughout this series is designed to effectively and efficiently guide independent school leaders through the complexities of reopening planning.
Adrianna Bravo, MD
Your Reopening Plan Will Be a Process, Not an Event
Think about your reopening process as a dimmer switch instead of a light switch. Rather than simply switching all the lights back on and opening, your plan will need intervention, flexibility, and the ability to operate at various levels depending on local, regional, and national impact.
The plan you develop must be flexible. Your school should be ready to operate at different levels and have multiple means of operation for each scenario.
You'll learn how to:
- Scale your plan accordingly with recommendations that reflect the changing landscape of the current crisis
- Adjust your operations based on the most up-to-date information
- Clearly communicate your approach to your school community with confidence

Pandemic Briefings with Medical Panel of Experts

Adrianna Bravo, M.D.
Pediatrician and School Medical Director
Dr. Adrianna Bravo is a board-certified pediatrician who graduated cum laude from Dartmouth College with a bachelor’s degree in biology and studio arts. She earned her medical degree from Dartmouth Medical School, where she received the John and Sophia Zaslow Award for her spirit of care and compassion in medicine. She also founded the medical school's healing and the arts program in collaboration with the C. Everett Koop Institute. After completing her residency in pediatrics at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Md., she worked with the Navajo Nation Indian Health Service and opened a medical practice with the Children's Aid Society, serving as a clinical assistant in the department of pediatrics at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. She also served as medical director at Salisbury School and is currently the Medical Director for Episcopal High School in Virginia. She serves on the board of an independent school in northern Virginia and as a Dartmouth College alumni admissions volunteer and class officer.

David Rubin, M.D.
Physician and Director of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia PolicyLab
Dr. David Rubin is an attending physician, director of PolicyLab and director of Population Health Innovation at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Dr. Rubin and the team at CHOP’s PolicyLab developed the recent report ”Evidence and Considerations for School Reopenings”. Dr. Rubin is a practicing primary care pediatrician at the Faculty Practice of Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. He holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Pennsylvania, an M.D. from the University of California, San Francisco, and a master’s degree in clinical epidemiology and biostatistics from the University of Pennsylvania. He also completed a residency in pediatrics and a fellowship in child maltreatment at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. He holds the Mary D. Ames Endowed Chair in Child Advocacy. Dr. Rubin has made numerous presentations to the medical profession and to city, state, and national leaders, including the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, to guide evidence-informed health policy decisions on behalf of children and families.

Tanya Altmann, M.D., FAAP
Pediatrician and School Physician
A UCLA-trained pediatrician and mom of three, Dr. Tanya Altmann is a nationally recognized child health expert, spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics, Assistant Clinical Professor at UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital, and Adjunct Clinical Professor at Children's Hospital Los Angeles. On behalf of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Dr. Altmann has been part of the AAP’s new guidance “Planning Considerations: Return to In-person Education in Schools” recommendations. Dr. Altmann has been featured on CNN’s Coronavirus Town Hall to discuss school reopening with Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Anderson Cooper. Dr. Altmann is also the medical consultant for the independent school where her children attend.
Operations & Logistics Presenters
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Mark Notaro
Director of Operations, The Episcopal Academy
Mark has extensive facility operations experience with a primary focus on independent schools and higher education. In total, Mark has overseen or managed over $300 million and 800,000 square feet of new construction and renovations and has managed over 1,000,000 square feet of facilities. His experience extends from facility management to pre-planning, programming, project management though capital projects. In addition, he has expertise in service delivery, organizational and management systems, capital program management, sustainability, contract management and financial controls and budgets. Mark was named the Director of Operations at The Episcopal Academy in 2008 managing the physical facilities and all non-tuition revenue operations on the school’s 124-acre, 380,000 square foot campus. Responsibilities include Campus Operations, Facilities, Buildings & Grounds, Campus Safety/Security, Dining Services and all Auxiliary Programs/Services. Mark graduated from Dickinson College and is currently enrolled in the Executive Leadership Bootcamp for independent school leaders through the Jack Welch Management Institute. He is a member of the National Association of Business Officers (NBOA), the Association of Physical Plant Administrators (APPA), the Green School Alliance, and the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE).
Bill Rouse
Senior Advisor, AUXS
Bill is a co-founder of AUXS and has worked with independent schools for more than 30 years. Bill has led projects for independent day and boarding schools across the country and brings extensive project management, risk mitigation, campus operations, campus safety and auxiliary programs/services experience to the team. He is a founder of IS4 (Independent School Safety & Security Summit), has been part of the Secure Schools Roundtable on Capitol Hill and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) National Security Roundtable. Bill graduated from The Haverford School and then Villanova University and also attended the Disney Institute’s leadership development programs. Bill is a Board Member of Holy Child School at Rosemont and serves as the Chair of the Facilities Committee. Bill is a frequent presenter for national and regional associations including TABS, NBOA, FCIS and AISNE.
Nat Saltonstall
Executive Director at SPARC
Nat Saltonstall is recognized as a leading expert in the field of independent school programming. Over the past 25+ years, Nat has developed and directed multiple programs at several independent schools while also providing targeted guidance to others through his consulting services. As a consultant, Nat has been project manager for multiple day and boarding school projects around campus initiatives to improve operations and programs. Nat is a frequent presenter at conferences across the country, including workshops and presentations for the National Association of Independent Schools, the National Business Officers Association, and the Association of Independent Schools of New England. Nat is a graduate of Middlebury College and received his Masters in Education from Harvard University.
Vinita Ahuja
Director, Coronavirus Response & Reopening at Georgetown Day School
Vinita is the Director of Strategic Projects at Georgetown Day School. Vinita’s oversight of strategic projects includes directing the school’s enterprise risk management program, coordinating the transportation demand management initiative, serving as incident intake coordinator, and, most recently, leading the coronavirus response and reopening efforts and taskforce. On the Auxiliary and Extended Learning Program side of her work, Vinita oversees the GDS 360 extended day program (including enrichment classes), GDS Summer Studies and Break Camps, classes for adults, rentals and after-hours space use, along with several smaller programs. Vinita joined GDS in 2007 following several years of working with youth-serving nonprofit organizations in Washington, DC. She has a Masters in School Leadership with a focus on School Development from Harvard's Graduate School of Education and a BA in French and Government with a minor in Spanish from Georgetown University. Vinita also serves as vice-chair of the Rosemount Center board, a non-profit early childhood and Early Head Start program in Washington, DC and is founder of a nationwide Independent School Auxiliary Programs and Summer Directors listserv with over 300 active members.
Bradd Atkinson
Safety & Security Advisor
Bradd has a combined 24 years of law enforcement and school security experience. Bradd is a retired member of the Baltimore County Police Department, former Independent School Director of Campus Safety, and chair for the AIMS Safety and Security Board which serves 123 independent schools throughout Maryland and Washington DC. Bradd has received OSHA, FEMA and WHO Pandemic Training in areas such as Preparing Workspaces and Infection Prevention and Control. Bradd also has extensive training from FEMA, DHS and other organizations in National Incident Management System (NIMS), Incident Command Systems (ICS), Mass Casualty Incidents, Emergency Management and Preparedness for Schools, Diversity Awareness, Background Investigation and Visitor Management. Bradd has also been trained in Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) and is a certified AMAG Access Control Operator. In 2017 he was awarded the Security Director of the Year from the Maryland Center for School Safety for his dedication and commitment to the Independent School community.
Done-for-You Templates
- Project Management Templates
- Sample Meeting Agendas
- Facility and Space Auditing/Planning Tools
- Supplies & Equipment Resources
- Risk Mitigation Practices Framework
- Testing Strategies & Resources
- Screening/Surveillance Planning & Resources
- Constructs for Isolation & Quarantine Planning
- Cohort & Risk Registry Tools
Instructional Presentations
Health, Safety, and Well-Being
- Risk Mitigation Practices
- Screening and Testing Strategies
- Isolation & Quarantine Processes
- PPE & Personal Protective Measures
- Enhanced Hygiene Measures and Compliance
- Environmental Infection Control
- Contact Tracing
- Maintaining Essential Health Services
- COVID-19 Support Team Concept and Planning
- Cohort and Reduced Mixing Strategies
- Repopulation Strategy and Timing
- Engagement, Community and Culture
- Identifying and Engaging High-Risk Individuals
Operations and Logistics
- Physical Distancing and Dedensification
- Space Planning, Facility Zoning, and Campus Access
- Facility Modifications & Preparation
- Cleaning, Sanitizing, Disinfection & Sterilization
- Air Quality: Ventilation, Circulation & Filtration
- Supplies & Equipment
- Transportation
- Food Service
- Auxiliary Programs
- Maintaining Healthy Operations
- Education, Communication & Engagement
- Staffing and Training Considerations
- Emergency Response Planning
Comprehensive Training for Your Entire School
To successfully reopen and re-populate your campus, it is critical that your entire team works nimbly together. When your school purchases this program, all your leaders can participate in weekly instructional presentations, tune in for pandemic briefings, and receive actionable templates to help guide their decisions. You’ll also be able to access your exclusive ‘on-demand’ channel so you can revisit previously aired videos.

Stage 2
When it comes to planning for fall 2020, there are 3 phases: Plan, Refine, Launch. As we enter the Refine stage of the plan, we have lowered program pricing.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes! Every presentation and briefing will be available 'on-demand' after it originally airs. You'll also have access to a Google Drive folder with the checklists and 'done for you' templates.
Yes! When a school purchases the program, it's available to every school employee. You'll receive information about how to get information to your employees after you purchase.
All recordings will be available on the on-demand channel for schools when they purchase the program.
No—all recordings will be available on demand.
No—this program will give you the basics on how to reopen your campus.
Unfortunately we cannot offer Gold member pricing for this program.
Unfortunately Gold dollars cannot be accepted or earned with this program.
Email clint@isminc.com with any questions.