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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

New Trustees: Hit the Ground Running!

Board of Trustees // September 21, 2011

If this is your first year serving on a private-independent school Board of Trustees, familiarize yourself with the duties that you’ll be expected to handle during your tenure. To hit the ground running, make sure you do the following.

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Coaching and Mentoring Administrators

Business and Operations // September 19, 2011

Your doors have recently re-opened for another school year, and campus is buzzing with the energy of new and returning students, faculty, staff, and administrators. The days go by in a blur. As the Business Manager or Human Resource Manager (or, multiple other roles person), if you can successfully address a majority of the questions, concerns, and requests directed your way each day, you go home feeling satisfied … and exhausted! This might be the least auspicious moment to add something else to your plate, of course. Yet and still, we’re “nudgers” by nature (HR people, that is), so we have to ask: Have you attended to your coaching duties?

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While You Were Away: Regulations, Requirements, and The Latest Thinking You Should Know About

Business and Operations // September 19, 2011

We hope that everyone was able to take time off for some extended rest, relaxation, and renewal this summer, or, at least, to enjoy a less frenetic pace in the office while faculty and students were away from campus on summer break. While you were away, so to speak, there were a few regulatory developments that you should be aware of—as well as some leading-edge HR and leadership thinking that we want to bring to your attention.

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Ask Michael

Business and Operations // September 19, 2011

Q.: We’ve had a problem with some teachers exceeding their allowed sick days. We’re considering making teachers pay for the cost of a substitute when this happens, as we understand other schools have a policy like that. Is this advisable?

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Taking Care of Your Supporters in a Bad Economy

Advancement // September 14, 2011

It’s a bit ugly out there. Or it’s still ugly out there. According to a new survey conducted by Campbell Rinker for Dunham+Company, 78% of donors will either not give or be more choosy about their donations, thanks to the economy.

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Reading Essentials for the Development Director

Advancement // September 14, 2011

While the students at your school get all their new books for the year, we thought we’d ask ISM’s development consultants what books are essentials for their bookshelves. Here are a few they suggest:

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An Effective “Thank You” Strategy to Generate Donations

Advancement // September 14, 2011

When Martha Hagedorn-Krass wrote a thank you letter to President Clinton after his appearance at the Association of Fundraising Professionals March conference, her intent was to show appreciation for his comments on “green” energy projects at the Empire State Building and the Chicago Merchandise Mart. Hagedor-Krass, who is executive director of the Ronald McDonald House of Topeka Kansas, told the former president about the house’s current fundraising campaign to install new 80-to 95-percent energy efficient systems.

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Take the Dangers of Concussion Seriously as Your Athletes Get Back in Action

School Heads // September 12, 2011

Concussions are a very real danger that students who play contact sports—particularly football—and their parents must consider. And they must take concussions seriously. The September 2010 suicide of a Virginia high school football player Austin Trenum a few days after he may have suffered a concussion during a game fueled the discussion of the possible link between concussion and suicide. Just months before, Owen Thomas, a University of Pennsylvania football player, killed himself. An autopsy of his brain showed early signs of a trauma-induced brain disease that has been found in NFL players—more than 20—who are deceased. The disease is called chronic traumatic encephalopathy and is linked to depression and lack of impulse control.

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Management by Walking Around, Coaching by Asking Questions, and Other Tips for Division Heads

Academic Leadership // September 6, 2011

Congratulations—you’ve been promoted to Division Head! Once the euphoria has subsided a bit and you have a chance to reflect on your new responsibilities, you may find yourself wondering, “So, what exactly do I do now?” There’s no doubt that there will be a thousand possible initiatives to launch, “fires” to put out, and helpful guidance and direction to offer to your faculty and staff. Given all the possibilities, what is the best use of your time? Even if you are not new to your position, this question weighs heavy on your mind.

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