From Excellent to Extraordinary: School Cultures Where Teachers Grow and Thrive

Thousands of student surveys and interviews indicate that teacher enthusiasm and passion play a key role in student satisfaction and success in school. In an era of teacher shortages, burnout, and change fatigue, your faculty need more support than ever to sustain the passion and enthusiasm that brought them to be educators in the first place.

DEIJB in Athletic Programs

Running a school athletic program that integrates concepts of diversity, equity, inclusion, justice, and belonging (DEIJB) involves implementing practices to ensure fairness, accessibility, and a welcoming environment—not just for student-athletes, but also for coaches, supporters, and families. Private-independent school athletic programs are broad and diverse in scope, and the principles of inclusion and justice must be applied to athletic programs according to each school’s situation and mission.

Overcoming Barriers to Strategic Thinking

The role of the Board in a private-independent school is to provide leadership at a high level. Boards focus on setting the school’s mission and envisioning its future, developing strategies for achieving that future, and putting policies into effect that undergird and support those strategies. The Board also hires and supports the Head and ensures that the Head and the Leadership Team have ample financial resources to fulfill the school’s mission.

Beyond Faculty: Mission-Driven Growth and Evaluation for All Employees

Many schools strongly emphasize faculty evaluation and growth and with good reason—teachers deliver your school’s mission directly to students. But what about your evaluation and growth processes for the School Head, administrators, and non-teaching staff? Are these providing a predictable and supportive environment?

In this webinar, ISM Consultant Barbara Beachley will explore how to amplify your efforts to foster a growth-focused culture with an aligned evaluation and growth process that invites all employees to take healthy risks, grow, and thrive.

Enhancing Teacher Retention Through Mentoring

Enhancing Teacher Retention Through Mentoring

The first year of teaching presents young educators with responsibilities and challenges that exceed anything they have previously encountered in their own higher education. The guidance of a mentor can be a matter of professional survival. Without a guide, a new teacher may feel lost. But accompanied through the year by a well-chosen mentor, a new teacher can thrive both personally and professionally.

Factors That Affect the Student Net Promoter Score

Factors That Affect the Student Net Promoter Score

A longstanding, robust finding from ISM’s interviews with parents and students is that the students themselves have a significant role in decisions about where they enroll and whether they remain at a school. In fact, middle-school students have about 50% of the decision-making power over what school they attend, and that percentage increases as children age into high school.

Performance Assessments for Teacher Candidates

Performance Assessments for Teacher Candidates

Finding and hiring faculty and staff are critical responsibilities for school leaders. This process requires a series of essential steps leading to on-campus interviews: create a position description, market the open position in a way that draws a diverse group of excellent candidates, choose interviewees from the applicant pool, and more.