How to Create a Terrific Case for Support

How to Create a Terrific Case for Support
How to Create a Terrific Case for Support


October 11, 2020

One of the pillars of an effective fundraising campaign is your school’s Case for Support.

This statement answers the questions:

  • Who are you?
  • What do you contribute to the community?
  • What important things do you accomplish for students?

The Case for Support communicates with donors and prospects, and begins the process of matching their values and interests with your school’s mission and guiding principles.

Connecting your Case for Support to the hearts of your donors with the core of your mission will inspire them, raise their sights, give them a sense of importance, and establish a community.

Here’s how to create a terrific Case that positions your school as a community asset worthy of philanthropic support.

What Should a Case for Support Include?

We recommend that every Case for Support:

  • advances your mission;
  • clearly and compellingly presents the vision of the Board for the school;
  • translates your school’s strategic plan into a compelling narrative;
  • identifies the role of annual giving in ensuring your school’s well-being;
  • promotes your school as a community asset and a good investment;
  • creates an ongoing culture of philanthropic giving for the school; and
  • demonstrates how the donor’s gift will make a difference in the life of your school.


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How to Create a Terrific Case for Support

Donors give (and continue to do so) when they feel the school’s interests are in sync with their own. They want to know their gifts will make a difference and will be used as intended.

Even in today’s uncertain economic times, people are not motivated to give by hearing about the “gap” between tuition and the cost to educate a student.

Many schools use the “gap” as their default fundraising messaging and it is often ineffective. People are inspired to give to the transformative impact of education, not covering costs.

The story of your school and its impact on families is what inspires giving. The Case for Support begins with your mission. How does your school innovate, change lives, contribute to the community, and deliver an outstanding educational experience?

Your Case for Support should be personalized, active, unique, fun, and inspiring. Illustrate the good work your school accomplishes and how continued gifts will make a difference in the lives of your students. Include examples of excited students, dedicated faculty, enthusiastic staff, and happy parents.

When your Case for Support connects donors’ values and interests with your school’s mission and guiding principles, your school is better positioned to reach your fundraising goals.


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