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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

How to Keep Kids Safe Online

Academic Leadership // June 6, 2021

The days of handing kids a device and telling them to “be safe” are long gone. Online safety has evolved, even in the last year, and, as educators, you must adjust your guidelines, advice, and protection to accommodate even your school’s youngest digital citizens.

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5 Must-Know Trends for Raising Major Gifts Post-COVID-19

Fundraising // May 23, 2021

More donors may be willing to engage in annual giving, with just a few others interested in capital gifts. An even smaller number of those donors may plan a transformational gift (possibly as a part of an estate planning process). With these limitations in mind, you can adjust your approach using these five trends to help you engage with donors post-COVID-19.

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Website First Impressions—Much Like Job Interviews,You Only Get One

Marketing Communications // May 16, 2021

Websites come in all shapes and sizes. Whether a large budget was allocated or costs were reduced by in-house development, a website is often the first interaction a consumer has with a business or organization. As the proverbial first impression, there is little room for error—second first impressions simply don’t exist. Many private schools consider their website to be a marketing tool. After all, the product—the school itself—is the main focus. In business, websites are indeed the star of the marketing plan. A persuasive retail site attracts visitors with flash and discounts, and increased traffic typically results in a boost in sales.

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How to Connect With and Teach Gen Z Learners

Academic Leadership // May 16, 2021

In a previous post, we talked about understanding the way your students have been raised. You need this background information to design effective education methods. That post went over their backgrounds and perspectives. Now we’ll look at how to best teach them. Generation Z encompasses most of the children in school right now; they were born between about 1997 and 2014.

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Chaos Is So 2020—Planning With Intention Is What’s in Style

Business and Operations // May 16, 2021

As the weather gets warmer and COVID-19 vaccinations are on the rise, private schools are looking toward the fall with a healthy dose of cautious optimism. First, a reality check: COVID-19 is here to stay, at least for the foreseeable future. For the sake of stability and sanity, any reopening roadmap should start from that vantage point. If there’s any lesson to be had from the past year, it’s that flexibility and contingency plans aren’t simply good ideas—they’re a blueprint for survival. Every school must create a reopening structure that works within the confines of the next phase of the pandemic, whatever that may be. Now is the time to be intentional and put the knowledge and experiences of this year to good use.

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