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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Top Ten Vaccines for Teenagers

Private School News // December 9, 2009

Schools, like any public area, are prone to widespread outbreaks. Diseases, viruses, and infections can easily be passed from student to student to staff members with frieghtening speed. Before you know it, several people are complaining of symptoms and missed work/classes becomes an issue.

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Hopeful College Students Are 'Friend-Requesting' Admission Officials

Private School News // December 9, 2009

Facebook, Facebook, Facebook … is there anything we can't do on that site? We share news with friends, link to articles, post videos, comment on each other's pictures and status, play games, send invites to gatherings and charity events, join groups, become fans of products, send e-mails … the list goes on and on.

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Recession Squeezes Family Pockets

Private School News // December 9, 2009

2009 is starting off on a rocky foot, and many private schools across the country are concerned about attracting new families in the current economic crisis. Unemployment rates soared in every state in December, forcing some states, California and New York for example, to tap the federal government for money to help pay unemployment benefits. As of January 27, 2009, the number of newly laid-off Americans filing claims for benefits was 589,000, while the number of people continuing to draw financial help from state funds rose to 4.6 million.

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Private School SAT Facts

Private School News // December 9, 2009

CAPE (Council for the Advancement of Private Education) recently published some private-independent school facts we found rather interesting. Since we liked them, we thought you might as well. (And, if you're looking for some hard-sell information for parents, these just might come in handy.)  

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HR and Legal Advice: Increased Costs, or Cost Savings?

Business and Operations // December 9, 2009

While it may seem costly to consult an employment attorney or HR expert, preventing a lawsuit can save your school literally hundreds of thousands of dollars (in litigation fees, punitive damages, settlement costs, etc.). This is to say nothing of the value of preserving and protecting the school’s reputation in your community.

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The New Generation of Teachers and Personnel

Business and Operations // December 9, 2009

As the hiring season continues to gain steam, perhaps you've noticed a younger, more eager pool of potential teachers bouncing through the door. Just as Generation X-ers and the Boomers were tagged and filed into a category, this new generation has been given a name—Millennials. (Millennials are also referred to as Generation Y-ers.)

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10 Reasons to Join a Community Garden

Private School News // December 9, 2009

Since we've written a few articles in our Monthly Update for Facilities Managers' e-letters about the benefits of community gardens, we thought we would share with our readers some supporting information from the American Community Gardening Association (ACGA). Summer is the perfect time to transform your school's open campus into a garden haven. It's an easy way to involve your whole community in your school's culture, not to mention broaden your students hands-on learning. But, if you don't believe us, here's what ACGA had to say.

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New COBRA Provisions

Business and Operations // December 9, 2009

On February 17, 2009, President Obama signed the economic stimulus bill—known as The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). The law contains specific provisions that impact continuation of benefits (COBRA) coverage for all employers (including schools) currently offering COBRA coverage to employees. (As a general statement, COBRA is required for all employers with 20+ employees that offer health benefits coverage.)

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Honoring 40 Years of Space Travel

Private School News // December 9, 2009

On July 20, 2009, we celebrated the 40th anniversary of Apollo 11's moon landing. Students and adults alike flooded Web sites and micro-blogging engines for information about that famous afternoon 40 years ago, and to watch virtual re-creations. In case you missed it (or would like to share it again with your students), here is a link to the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum for a minute-by-minute recreation of the historic event.

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