Simplifying Your Financial Aid Process

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Source Newsletter for Business and Operations Header Image

Business and Operations//

December 10, 2009

There're several choices on the market that assist with financial aid applications: SSS, FACTS, TADS, FFNA, and FAST—Financial Aid for School Tuition powered by ISM.

Writing about our own product feels like marketing, and maybe it is to some degree, but really we just want to share with you some of the advantages of FAST. Our differences, built into the program based on researching private-independent schools and their needs for proficiency, can make a big impact where it matters—your time (and sanity).

What matters to you:
What you're probably most concerned with is how it makes your job easier. FAST offers three key elements in simplifying your financial aid related tasks—time, cost, and great customer service.

Your time. FAST is completely Web based. What that means for you is, everything you'll ever need to work with and refer to is already in a computerized database. This allows you to work on a student's application alone or with your committee—as soon as you would like to. How's that for making the most of your time?

"I love the interactive nature of FAST…very superior to SSS."
—Robin Lunsford, Business Manager
The Post Oak School, TX

You'll also be able to dig deeply into applicants' financial records with the ability to customize parameters to include local or regional economic considerations. Oh, and you'll sigh in relief at receiving an application the minute the parent has completed filling it out and clicks "submit." Just think, instant access to all the important documents you need to make crucial decisions about who's the best fit for your school.

And no more tax forms in your office! We receive all the submitted tax forms, and verify the information with each application. All the time you spent organizing papers, filing documents, and sorting through documents, is now your time for other tasks and projects. And don't worry about having to contact parents for missing information—we notify them for you. (Special documents your school has requested as part of the application will not be requested if missing.)

Flexible. Because FAST is Web based, it allows for both you and parents to include notes next to submitted information. For example, parents applying for financial aid are required to submit their federal tax information from the year prior. However, if they're going to be unemployed in the current year, there is a place for them to note their situation. You can act on those notes and make adjustments to the application for an award that is based on the NOW, not only the WAS.

There is also room for you to make notes on areas that might need further detail. This helps you and/or your committee make the best decision for bringing in mission-appropriate students.

FAST also features the ability for you to customize the application. We will collect all the data you would like to help you make the best possible decision. Some of our schools have added an additional 20 questions!

"FAST is 100% easier to use. First of all, I can make live changes to the data. I can download everything I need for reporting and analysis, and to mail merge into my correspondence. The committee can review applications remotely and we can telephone conference on applications. Much better."
—Victoria Wiegand, Director of Finance
Christian Heritage School, CT

Service, service, service. You can call us during the workday for help, or if you're working late and find yourself stuck on a section, there's a hotline available that's dedicated to helping you sort through some of those trickier questions.

Another bonus—parents receive reward notifications only from you, never from FAST.

If you're interested in learning more about FAST click here, or call Rochelle Himes at 302-656-4944. Ask about one of our Webinars and free demonstrations—you'll see firsthand why FAST is quickly becoming the choice for so many private-independent schools.

"Our children are applying to another school that uses SSS. After completing these applications back to back, I greatly prefer your Web site."
—John Griffin, Major, USMC


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