Community Corner

Community Corner
Community Corner

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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

How Schools Can Respond to the Black Lives Matter Movement

School Leadership // February 14, 2021

In recognition of Black History Month, we’re highlighting a webinar focusing on how schools can respond to the Black Lives Matter movement, originally held last summer. We think it is an important topic to revisit—addressing one of our generation’s most crucial issues.

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How to Cultivate Relationships With BIPOC Students and Alumni

School Leadership // February 14, 2021

It’s clear that there is much to do to build and sustain diverse and inclusive communities within private schools for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) students and alumni. Even as schools become more intentional in their efforts, many still struggle with attracting and retaining BIPOC students.

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Beginning the Journey of Self-Reflection in Racism

School Leadership // February 14, 2021

Many school leaders aren’t aware of their own unconscious biases or the damage they cause—even when they have the best intentions. Vital work to dismantle racism in society today starts with self-reflection—this is the beginning of evoking the changes necessary for society’s evolution.

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Four Tips to Improve Student Retention With Your Welcome Packet

Enrollment Management // February 7, 2021

Once a new student enrolls in your school, you may be tempted to take a breather—but it’s time to think about retention. How parents and children experience your school from the get-go can impact their choice to stay in the long-term. Nothing creates a great first impression like a well-designed welcome packet.

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How to Create a Successful Volunteer Program

Fundraising // February 7, 2021

Private schools rely on motivated and engaged volunteers to support fundraising initiatives, engage new families, participate in parent and alumni associations, and much more. Recruiting volunteers who make a difference can feel like an overwhelming task—but is vital to your school’s overall success.

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How to Set Mission-Driven Tuition Post Pandemic

Business and Operations // January 31, 2021

Tuition setting is the cornerstone of your school's sustainability—acting as a compass and charting the course for your long-term viability. Consider all the essential variables to your sustainability. Price yourself according to those variables and the mission-driven program you want to deliver.

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Four Ways to Project Enrollment for the 2021–22 School Year

Enrollment Management // January 31, 2021

Almost a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, where do schools find themselves? For many, future enrollment is unclear. While the presence of a vaccine may make in-class offerings more viable, it is unknown if this will have a positive effect on schools’ enrollment forecasts.

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Six Questions Schools Should Ask Now: A Framework for the Fall

School Heads // January 31, 2021

School leaders have learned a great deal about educating students in a COVID-19 environment. It is clear that many challenges will extend into the fall. ​​​​​​​Therefore, it is essential for community stakeholders to feel informed about ongoing work, especially how leaders are planning for the 2021–22 school year.

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