Community Corner

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Community Corner

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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Scheduling Concerns for the 2020–21 School Year

Academic Leadership // July 26, 2020

Distance learning requires a modified schedule to meet the unique needs of remote education—you cannot simply mirror your on-campus schedule for distance learning at home. This article provides some insight on how to plan your schedule for the coming year.

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Building Your Annual Fund During COVID-19

Fundraising // July 26, 2020

The annual fund is the foundation of your school’s philanthropic program. Even in uncertain times, your school should continue to fundraise for the annual fund. Here's how to ensure your efforts are effective.

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What Every Private School Must Know for the 2020–21 School Year

School Heads // July 19, 2020

ISM recently conducted a survey to better understand how parents feel about their private school’s transition to distance learning this spring. One thing is clear. When it comes to distance learning and family satisfaction in the new school year, schools will be held to a much higher standard.

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How Development Offices Should Respond to BLM, Black@, and Voices for Change in Their Schools

Fundraising // July 19, 2020

Most recently, the national conversation about racial inequality has dominated Most schools’ social media and internal communication channels. It has mandated a proactive response from Boards and administrations. As a development professional, you are often the “gatekeeper” for both the school and constituents who support it. What actions should you take that contribute positively to your school’s response and serve the concerns of your constituents?

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Helping Your Teachers Avoid Burnout During the COVID-19 Crisis

Academic Leadership // July 12, 2020

As a school leader, you must understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on your teachers. From transitioning quickly to distance learning to the unknowns of the 2020–21 school year, burnout is possible (if not probable). You should know what to watch for, and how to respond if you see that your teaching staff needs additional support.

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What Development Leaders Must Do to Prepare for Campus Reopening

Fundraising // June 28, 2020

The economic fallout of the global pandemic is still unknown. Families and donors are facing an uncertain financial future. Your school’s development and fundraising targets hang in the balance. Radical changes have taken place since the last time campuses were open, and when school reopens in the fall, things will certainly not be the same. Development operations must evolve in this climate of insecurity.

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Three Elements of Your Communications Plan to Onboard New Families

Enrollment Management // June 28, 2020

When a new family decides to enroll at your school, the onboarding process must begin the minute they sign on the dotted line. Many schools make the mistake of failing to keep in touch with new families until right before opening day, leaving them on their own for weeks or months after enrolling. This leaves the family feeling apart from the community.

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