Community Corner

Community Corner
Community Corner

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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Just What Are the Board’s Major Responsibilities?

Fundraising // March 1, 2020

No matter how conscientious and well-intentioned, Trustees (and the Board as a whole) must continually guard against involvement in day-to-day school management. When the Board allows its responsibilities to cross over into the school’s operating plane, it creates a major obstacle to building and upholding a healthy, harmonious Board-Head relationship.

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Three Ways Not to Announce a New Schedule

Academic Leadership // February 23, 2020

The research has been completed and your school’s new schedule has been designed. Now the chance announcement is on the horizon. How you announce it could make or break your community’s reception. We have broken down three key errors to avoid when making such an announcement.

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Recruiting Board Members? Don’t Overlook Experienced Trustees

Board of Trustees // February 23, 2020

As Chair of the Committee on Trustees, you have worked with your fellow Board members to complete the Board’s profile, identifying the skills and experience needed to bring the next stage of the school’s strategic plan to fruition. Now it’s time to determine who can best fill those roles. Sc...

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Building a Safer School

Business and Operations // February 23, 2020

Creating a safer school requires a holistic and intentional effort on the part of the school-wide community to identify risk in multiple areas; essentially creating a risk inventory. This work is then followed by the creation of processes and procedures to both mitigate, and where possible, prevent untoward events from occurring in the first place.

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Trends Your School Should Prepare for Now

School Heads // February 16, 2020

Planning ahead (and for the worst) is never an easy task. But we believe that planning ahead for a potential marketplace shift and how it could affect your school is integral to long-term viability. We have found that roughly 200 private schools close per year, even during strong economic times. How do you keep your school from becoming one of them?

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