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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

The Strategic Role of an Effective Development Committee and How to Create One

Board of Trustees // November 8, 2020

Your strategically focused Board of Trustees is key to making your development programs effective and sustainable. When your Board centers on decision-making that is future-focused and viability-motivated, your school prospers—inspiring your donors and prospects to commit philanthropic dollars to your school. Your Board and Development Committee must work together to ensure the proper management of donors and prospects. Here's more about fostering the strategic role of an effective Development Committee.

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How to Modify Your Expectations for Teachers in Light of COVID-19

Academic Leadership // November 1, 2020

ISM has long touted a two-pronged approach for effectively supporting teachers. One element of a supportive and predictable environment is that teachers know what is expected of them. They know the norms they’re supposed to follow—we call them Essential Expectations. The COVID-19 pandemic added uncertainty to the mix. Many of your Essential Expectations can still apply, but you may need to clarify certain elements.

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Reasons Your Distance Learning Approach May Not Work and How to Fix It

Academic Leadership // November 1, 2020

The bottom line is school, as we once knew it, has changed. When COVID-19 happened, schools tried to use technology to mimic the school atmosphere as it has always been. Many schools followed the same bell schedule, simply "logging" in verses "walking" into the classroom. This proved to be ineffective, and students were disengaged. School Heads may be reluctant to eliminate synchronous learning because it helps occupy a student's time. However, it’s vital to implement concepts in a hybrid learning model.

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Your Questions Answered: Supporting Teachers Right Now

Academic Leadership // November 1, 2020

Burnout continues to be a top concern for school leaders and teachers alike. In this unusual year, everyone is busy with both their day-to-day responsibilities and strategic concerns of the future. Remember, the primary job of academic leadership is to take care of teachers. This is especially important now. What can academic leaders do right now to support their teachers? We asked teachers and here’s what they had to say.

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Your Questions Answered: Distance Learning in Private Schools

Academic Leadership // October 25, 2020

Since the spring, most schools have gotten a handle on how distance learning works. Technological and practical obstacles have largely been overcome. However, the long-term concerns about conducting an education experience via a computer are now coming to the forefront. We recently answered some frequently asked questions about distance learning.

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Your Questions Answered: Private Schools After the Pandemic

School Leadership // October 25, 2020

The pandemic has proved to be a unique disruptor. It has exposed weaknesses and provided opportunities to overhaul existing models. What schools need to do now is plan for the future—which is still very much unknown. Today, we’re answering some frequently asked questions about what the future could look like.

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Your Questions Answered: Maintaining a Healthy Headship

School Health and Wellness // October 25, 2020

As a School Head, you are probably facing difficult decisions on a daily basis. You have to answer to families, faculty, staff, and the Board in our current ongoing crisis. It is imperative you are supported in your role, and that you have access to all the resources you need to make mission-critical decisions. We’re answering some of your most frequently asked questions about maintaining a positive Headship.

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How to Create a Terrific Case for Support

Fundraising // October 11, 2020

One of the pillars of an effective fundraising campaign is your school’s Case for Support. The Case for Support communicates with donors and prospects, and begins the process of matching their values and interests with your school’s mission and guiding principles. Here’s how to create a terrific Case that positions your school as a community asset worthy of philanthropic support.

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Teachers Weigh In on the Best Distance Learning Approaches

Academic Leadership // October 11, 2020

ISM worked with more than 1,000 teachers this spring and summer to help them refine their approach to distance learning. As part of our study, we surveyed them about their experiences. What worked? What didn’t? Here’s what they said.

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