Community Corner
Community Corner

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Unlocking the Potential of Social Media for Schools

Marketing Communications // January 29, 2023

Social media is a powerful marketing tool for schools. It provides an opportunity to build relationships, maximize engagement, and generate new family inquiries. However, it’s challenging to know how to use social media effectively.

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What Happens When Stress and Perfectionism Lead to Something More?

School Health and Wellness // December 18, 2022

Students are stressed. American teens rated their stress levels at an average score of 5.8 out of 10—typical values for adults are 3.8 out of 10. Many things are contributing to student stress. They faced academic, athletic, social, and cultural pressures—both online and in-person. With social media, teens are overexposed and vulnerable. Additionally, new research tells us that young adults are facing more pressure from their parents to be perfect than past generations.

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Five Ways to Promote Agency in a Student-Centered Classroom

Academic Leadership // December 4, 2022

Inquiry-based and project-based learning are becoming standard practice, and student agency, or “voice and choice,” is recognized pedagogy. Nurturing agile and innovative learners through modern classrooms helps prepare students for real-world experiences, empowering them to advocate for themselves, make decisions, and strengthen their resolve.

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What You Should Know About Gen Z Marketing

Marketing Communications // November 20, 2022

Generation Z—also referred to as Zoomers or Gen Zers—is already making waves as they come of age and increase their buying power, their influence, and their impact on organizations.

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How to Ensure a Healthy Holiday Season for Your School Community

School Health and Wellness // November 20, 2022

We all know the telltale signs of the winter holiday season: the leaves change, daylight hours are short and the sun sets hours earlier, and holiday music returns for another year of cheer. But with all the festive fun comes stress, seasonal depression, and unhealthy activities.

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Here's Why a School Wellness Program Is a Smart School Strategy

School Health and Wellness // November 6, 2022

Forward-thinking school leaders recognize the importance of community. They understand positive change is only possible when faculty and staff feel they’re valued and are working toward a common mission. However, building that community is easier said than done.

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