Community Corner

Community Corner
Community Corner

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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

School Gardens: Learning Beyond the Crops

Private School News // April 30, 2019

There is a lot to learn from nature around us—a deeper lesson than what can be taught from computer screens and lectures. Schools that fold garden lessons into classroom curriculum can create an even more impactful learning experience.

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The Best Strategy to Develop Your Board’s Financial Aid Policy

Board of Trustees // April 26, 2019

Your Board is responsible for developing a comprehensive policy on financial aid, based on your school's particular mission and budget guidelines (careful calculations of per-pupil cost, retained earnings, and incremental costs.) But what frames an effective financial aid policy?

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Is Your Schedule Student-Centered?

Academic Leadership // April 19, 2019

The right schedule helps you deliver your mission with excellence. It should be supremely student-centered—that means, it best supports student learning, not what adults in the school may want.

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Are Open Houses Effective for Private School Admission?

Advancement // April 15, 2019

The world is changing, and private school admission is changing right along with it. Parents and students want different things when it comes to their commitment to education, and it’s up to Admission Directors to illustrate the value their schools provide.

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