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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Setting Goals for 2022: Here’s Where to Start

School Leadership // January 6, 2022

As 2021 comes to an end, talk of goal-setting and planning for next year begins. But after a year of continued changes—evaluating and adjusting school COVID-19 protocols, and trying to prevent burnout—setting new objectives for your school might seem daunting and exhausting.

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Why Innovative Teaching in a Post-Pandemic Classroom Matters

Academic Leadership // December 16, 2021

As schools respond to their communities’ expectations for a return to normalcy, questions arise: What have you learned from the pandemic’s unwelcomed lessons? Should your school return to business as usual—and do you want to? What will your “new normal” look like?

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Three Things to Consider Before Making the 2022–2023 Tuition Decision

Business and Operations // December 15, 2021

Despite the unusual circumstances of the past year and a half, educational institutions must still consider the annual question of tuition rates. Unfortunately, the increase of programs and services, talent needs, digital infrastructure, and more have all increased the importance of carefully considering tuition costs.

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Taking the Mystery Out of the Fundraising Ask

Fundraising // December 2, 2021

Donor solicitation is a process, not just an event. It’s an opportunity to gauge a prospective donor’s interest, followed by an open invitation to invest in your school. Solicitation is a time to investigate donor enthusiasm and identify opportunities that resonate with them.

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Celebrate Positive Psychology to Instill Mental Health Resilience

School Health and Wellness // December 2, 2021

Even before the pandemic, ISM’s research revealed 70% of teens said anxiety and depression are major problems. While some dismiss this judgment by reasoning that “we’re just talking about it more,” the dramatic increase in teen suicide rates underscores the validity of this conclusion and the real consequences we must face.

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Personal Pronouns: What They Are, and Why Your School Should Care About Them

School Leadership // December 2, 2021

Adolescence is one of the great equalizers in life. No matter your background or country of origin, everyone can relate to the storm of feelings circulating in maturing minds and bodies: uncertain, awkward, insecure, and confused. One of the most basic forms of self-discovery is gender identification. Here’s what your school should know about personal pronouns.

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Change Your Financial Aid Program Strategy: Helpful FAQ

Business and Operations // November 18, 2021

The term “financial aid” typically elicits misunderstandings at best, and outdated stereotypes at worst. As schools move into financial aid season, we want to equip you with clarifications and answers to the most commonly asked questions about how a financial aid program can best support your school’s strategic plan. Here’s how you can change your financial aid program strategy.

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Caring for the Whole Child: International Student Challenges

School Health and Wellness // November 17, 2021

International students may face culture shock, language barriers, difficulty understanding their teachers, and myriad other challenges—including mental health—as they leave all they know and everyone they love behind. Being a student is a challenge; being an international student is an even bigger one. Here’s how to care for the whole child.

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