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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Have You Considered Merit Pay for Your Faculty?

School Heads // April 2, 2019

How your school compensates its teachers can be one of the trickiest issues to face as a Head. You want every teacher to feel that he or she is paid fairly for work performed, while abiding by your strategic financial plan and protecting the school’s long-term viability. Some members of the private school community have questioned whether merit pay makes sense as a faculty compensation structure for their school.

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Admission and Ethics: A Head’s Perspective

School Heads // April 1, 2019

It's a careful balance between managing parental expectations and donor relationships—all while focusing on providing the best mission-appropriate education for your students. We sat down with a School Head who navigates these channels each day to hear his perspectives on today’s pressure to succeed.

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Action Minutes Make Sure Good Ideas Do Not Get Away

Board of Trustees // March 28, 2019

Think of the expertise that’s in the room every time your Board of Trustees meets. What a tremendous resource—and here’s the opportunity to tap it. Still, you’ve noticed that great ideas and suggestions can slip away. They pop up during a discussion, but that information doesn’t get captured in the standard Board minutes.

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How Better Classroom Design Can Improve Learning

Board of Trustees // March 27, 2019

Perhaps it’s not surprising that teachers desire spacious classrooms. They prefer collaborative spaces that are flexible and open, which they believe to be more conducive to learning. As the use of technology increases, classroom accommodation becomes a larger issue.

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Admission Cheating

Private School News // March 19, 2019

Headlines have recently trumpeted high-profile individuals and institutions becoming involved in various forms of college-level admission cheating. While there is no foolproof way to prevent nefarious conduct of this sort, you must use available safeguards to keep your school from becoming inadvertently complicit in schemes of this kind.

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School Spotlight: Eastside Christian Shares Why It’s “The Greatest School”

Private School News // March 18, 2019

It takes the perfect storm of a great idea, flawless execution, and community engagement to bring a project to life that separates your school from the rest. For Eastside Christian School, it all started with the idea of raising awareness and ended with a remarkable, state-of-the-art video that illustrates their mission at work.

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How to Transform Your School Culture

Academic Leadership // March 15, 2019

Culture is a cornerstone of how your school functions. Without a healthy school culture, teachers aren’t able to give their best to their students, students don’t feel supported in their learning experience, and parents aren’t satisfied with the education that your school offers. It’s a recipe for d...

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Three Attributes of an Exemplary Advisory Program

Academic Leadership // March 14, 2019

An exemplary advisory program sets your school apart. This program provides school leaders with the valuable opportunity to work one-on-one with students, providing individualized support and guidance to help them achieve success. Your school’s advisory program will be unique, based on the needs ...

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Why You Should Create Family Personas

Advancement // March 12, 2019

Families are extremely diverse—and all have different motivations for choosing your school. Your job is to create messages that appeal to mission-appropriate families to drive interest and enrollment at your institution. To start this process, we recommend the exercise of family personas.

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