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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Should Division Heads Teach?

Academic Leadership // February 13, 2019

Many Division Heads begin their careers as teachers, and would like to maintain a presence in the classroom even after moving into an administrative position. But does that make sense?

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What You Must Include in Your School’s Enrollment Contracts

Advancement // February 12, 2019

There are many questions about what an enrollment contract should include. It’s the final piece that a family receives before sending their child to your school, and you want to make sure that it accurately reflects your mission, values, and the education you provide to students.

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Is Your School’s Social Media Strategic?

Advancement // February 11, 2019

All too often, marketing communications professionals can become so busy in their day-to-day work that social media becomes another thing that “has to be done.” But you might go about this with no overarching social media plan or strategy. If you do, you’re missing a vital opportunity.

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Answering a Question About In-Kind Gifts

Advancement // February 10, 2019

There are many nuances of fundraising and accepting donations that require careful care and attention to rules and procedures. Recently, a Director of Advancement posed a question about in-kind gifts to his peers on the ISM e-list for Development.

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Four Items You Must Include in Your Employee Handbook

Business and Operations // February 8, 2019

Your employee handbook is the guiding document for your teachers and staff to understand what is and isn’t a part of working at your school. Your handbook should be carefully written and reviewed often to ensure it’s best suited to protect your employees and your school as a whole.

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Should Your Private School Offer Sexual Harassment Training?

Business and Operations // February 7, 2019

Many school officials have questions when it comes to sexual harassment training. But before you de-prioritize this training in favor of the many other items on your to-do list, consider two important reasons to include harassment training in your professional development initiatives.

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The Head's Role in Major Gifts Fundraising

School Heads // February 6, 2019

For an effective major gifts fundraising program, the Leadership Team—you as School Head, the Board President, the Chair of the Board’s Development Committee, and the Development Director—must shift your focus. You’re not raising dollars—you’re building relationships.

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The Biggest Tuition-Setting Mistake Schools Make

School Heads // February 5, 2019

When it comes to setting your tuition, many schools make assumptions about what their families are willing to pay.Some schools think they must keep their prices low to match their local competitors. Others feel parents will simply refuse to pay tuition over a certain amount. Our research has found that these assumptions are not the case.

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Three Things Schools Need to Know About Homestay Programs

Private School News // January 30, 2019

As more schools offer international programs, new questions have risen about the best ways to support foreign students. They’re separated from their families for months at a time and schools want to do what’s in their best interests. One method that schools take is homestay programs.

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