Using Analytics to Boost Your Spring Annual Giving Plan


Maximize your effort this spring to achieve your 2022–23 goals and position your 2023–24 campaign for success!

Too often development teams focus on participation, using the same techniques they used in the fall to meet their spring fundraising goals—casting a big net and hoping to see results. But using analytics to determine your target demographic can help you meet your goals more effectively.

During this webinar, Phil Higginson, IAP-L, Associate Head of School for Philanthropy at Ravenscroft School in Raleigh, NC, will share his techniques for adjusting and planning a spring solicitation strategy based on analytics. Not only will you understand how this data is derived and how to apply your findings, but you’ll learn stewardship techniques and how to assess constituencies to meet your spring annual giving plan.

You’ll leave this webinar with established key strategies and ideas to accomplish your primary, secondary, and tertiary goals for increased giving and parent participation.